the oddity of dreams

Sep 22, 2018 22:46

you know it's hard to tell if you're dreaming about an actor or character in your dreams unless you, or someone, calls them by their name. or otherwise something pings in your brain that the person is [actor name] & not [character name].

so what does it mean that my brain gave me both daniel jackson and michael shanks in the same dream last night?

i was coming up this this building in a car (i thought for a convention) & in the parking lot michael douglas & arnold schwarzenegger were doing some kind of photo-shoot wearing tuxes. (there were two other men that i kind of recognized, but can't recall their names, in the photo-shoot too).

i go inside, stuff happens, and i end up at a table with DJ. we're talking for awhile when MS comes over and sits down. whatever part of my brain not responsible for the dream is like WTF?! while the dream producing part of the brain decides to ignore this odd development.

MS & i talked for awhile and i recall looking at some poster about that he was going to do photos where he didn't look like he came off a 3 day bender scruffy and how that was a big deal. at some point he drank from the glass i was drinking from, from the straw. that kind of thing grosses me out. like i don't really know you, don't drink from my straw.

anyway, he gets up to leave & i go with him. DJ grabs my hand & basically tells me he'll miss me. i'm walking out with MS and just before he leaves, he hugs me and i tell him that i don't hear from his wife that often. he replies that she sent me a letter 2 months ago. i tell him that 2 letters a year is not very often. and then i wake up.

WTF brain?!

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dream, stargate

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