the mrs. murphy series by rita mae brown

Dec 22, 2017 19:57

not long ago i read one of the resent installments, tail gait, and while still enjoyable it gets borderline silly with how the main character gets involved with these murder investigations. but that is often the suspension of belief you need to have with similar things like murder she wrote. but this post is not about that.

one little detail in the boos bothers me. in the beginning of the series the main character as two pets; mrs. murphy (a tiger-striped cat, shades of brown) & tucker (a corgi). later in the series she gets pewter (a gray cat) from the guy who had a small grocery store in town.  i can't recall why he had to give her up. anyway, now sometimes the books make it seem like she had both cats from the time they were kittens.

an odd thing to think about, but it bothers me.

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