1 exam down! (2 to go!)

May 19, 2004 21:34

Well its wednesday evening and although i'm very tired i feel very relieved that one of my exams is now over!! It all went well as far as i could tell. The questions were not exactly what i'd predicted but i managed to use my quotes and critics so all the revision paid off for this one!

I'm going to be very boring and have an early night though and wake up bright and refreshed tomorrow to begin the next lot of revision. Had a wonderful talk with Matt tonight havent been able to talk to him properly in while but it was really good to catch up and realise that in 2 weeks we'll be together for the whole summer!

Off to bed now, reading my book about Spain - not too jealous about the weather in it cause wales is still producing more and more sun - please let it continue!

Until next time ...
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