ha! not that kinda pot. this kind!
so. ya see how this pot has absolutley NOTHING growing in it? yeah.... i watered 7 others just like it all winter in the hopes of having bright blooming daffodils now that spring is here. soooooo NOTHING! all i have is 7 pots of dirt! and yet i can not stop watering them in the hope that it wasnt all in vain. now i am so depressed about it i am making The Chad water them so i dont have to look at my failure. why do i have a brown thumb? plants see me comming and start screaming. quailing in fear down to their little roots because the grim finger of doom is upon them if i have to take care if them. this is genetic i am sure of it. my mother can grow any thing but if she so much as looks at a fish it gets the ick. i mean dead within the week Ick. yup shes got the ick finger and ive got the stench of plant death all over me.
AND speaking of mothers. i finished her present and heres a pic. well two pix. one far away of the quilt and one close up of the beadwork.