1- pondered it a while today. i have a favorite color, flavor, scent....but whats my favorite sound? i think its kitty purrs. whats yours?
2- Being Human is a new show on the BBC. i heart it. a vampire and a ghost and a werewolf are roomates. its awesome. that is all. wondered breifly if robin hood was ever comming back on.
3- worked on aarons big scappy blanket for a while today. pretty..i mean.. manly..its very manly. pondered how great the online crafting community is. yall are the BEST.
4- met
mkissa today!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEE! omg yall. she is more fantastic then i ever could hoped for and i am sooooo sad that it took us all this time to meet up and now im moving very far away from her :0( this has been an extremely good year for meeting my online friends and i hope that going to KC brings me close enough to meet some of you on that side of the US.
pix of all this to come tomorrow sometime :0)