Been Watching NCIS All Night

Nov 09, 2005 07:17

So I ruined this little 8 year old's life, at least for the next 3-4 years. I was standing in line at Best Buy to play the X-Box 360 demo, and this little kid wouldn't move. So his mom comes along and tells him to leave next time he dies. I pulled her aside and quietly told her that violent video games played at such a young age increases his chances of becoming a serial killer. So, because this kid couldn't let go of the controller, now he's getting a Nintendo Revolution, instead of an X-Box 360. Now that's karma. I believe I am completely justified.

Anyway, speaking of the box, I got The Ultra-Mega-Super-Limited Edition of Doom 3. Comes with a bunch of cool extras, including Ultimate Doom and Doom II. It's awesome. I love killing zombies. Being on Mars. Pretty soon I will have every Myst game ever, so I have that to look forward too. Somehting to keep me busy Between NCIS and Deep Space 9 Season 6.

That's about it.

Good night.
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