[Gundam 00] Silver and Gold

Oct 30, 2009 00:21

Title: Silver and Gold
Fandom: Gundam 00
Pairing: Setsuna/Feldt
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 748
Notes: Written for the kinkmeme. Prompt was, "Feldt Grace, happy tentacle sex." You have been warned.
Summary: Feldt discovers new things about Setsuna, and what Innovation means...in bed.

So much is different now, ever since Setsuna changed in order to make a new future. That's what he says it was, but to Feldt, he's only grown brighter. And he has always been a bright spot to her. Now, he's a brightness with something more.

She is the one who notices the subtle physical changes first. It's not that she's that perceptive. In truth, she still has trouble noticing a lot of things that people do. It's only that he lets them slip around her. She's the one who's there when light itself slips out from under his sleeve and picks up a glass of milk for him. It's when she trips and nearly falls that a cord of something ethereal and glittering slips out from the pantsleg of his uniform and catches her, righting her.

Feldt says nothing about it then; she only blushes and hurries away. There was something so gentle about the way he caught her, even if it wasn't him the way she knows it. But they are alone again, later, and she cannot stop the words from coming out of her mouth. "I saw you," she says. "What was that, Setsuna?" So clumsy and fumbling, where he has learned grace. It's only her name, and still she doesn't know it.

"Innovation has given me new ways of interacting with the world," Setsuna says.

Feldt hesitates, then she plunges on forward. "I'm the only one who's seen."

"Yes," Setsuna says. "You spoke of wanting me to return, after the battle. I have been thinking of that, since then."

She understands then that he too still has trouble communicating, in his own way. It warms her. She is not alone. Feldt gives a tiny smile, and she holds out a hand. Light surrounds his hand, then tapers off to a curling point. It's that strange gleaming tentacle that presses up against her hand a second later.

She smiles a little wider.

He comes to her in quiet times over the next few days, and each time he touches her a little more. He still hesitates to use his own hands, but somehow that aura of light that shapes itself into curls and tentacles is easier for him to use. They don't speak much:

"Is it all right, if I do this?"

"Yes. I like it, Setsuna."

"Understood. I will continue holding you there."

It is enough. Feldt is happy.

By mutual agreement, they begin to meet this way in her quarters. She takes off more clothing every time. First just her jacket, so he can caress the curves of her form through her undershirt; but then also that shirt as well.

"Setsuna, do you feel it as well?" Feldt is lying on her back on the bed. Setsuna glows in the darkness as if wrapped in a very gentle golden flame. The tentacles extending from his hands reach out to Feldt and curl several times around her bare breasts. No one has ever touched her this way before. As the points of light stroke the very tips of her nipples, she realizes that still, no one has touched her. Setsuna's hands are still a few feet away from her.

"Yes," he says, nevertheless. "I feel it all over."

Shortly after that, she begins to take off her pants for him. That is when it becomes truly interesting. He can stroke those tentacles far down her body. He can manifest more than two of them, as well. He can wrap one around each of her arms and each of her legs to hold her perfectly still while he slides another one deep inside her and another one caresses her lips, her breasts, her everywhere. She gasps quietly with the joy of it. Setsuna, Setsuna, she mouths with short breaths into the small room lit only by his glow.

After, she thanks him each time. But merely thanking him is not enough. "Setsuna," she asks. "I want to do something like this to you. For you. Please, tell me what you want."

He tells her, and the idea delights her. It is something she can build: gleaming metal arms, based on the same principles as Haro's limbs, to stroke and touch him the same way he has stroked and touched her.

Her tentacles she makes for him gleam as silver as his gleam gold. She thinks it's beautiful. In between his gasps and hers, he agrees. This way, they reach a harmony and an understanding.

what is this i don't even, setsuna/feldt, what the internet is for, fluff, shortfic, feldt, gundam 00, kinkmeme, crack

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