March 27 ♥

Mar 27, 2011 16:36

Firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY scandaloussteph! Wishing you a day as awesome, amazing, and fun as you are~ And an even more exciting year! ♥

Lucky you, getting to share a bday with this lovely woman :)

"I was a dorky kid, and all I would do was read and imagine."

Interviewer: "Do people call you Liz or Elizabeth?"
Liz: "My dad swears that when I was eight, I said, "Dad, it's Elizabeth. Okay?" [laughs]
I don't remember saying it, but I think he was calling me "Liz", and I was kind of a formal little kid.

"A natural beauty. Her smile is her best makeup" -- Chris Soldevilla

"I know it's so 'in' to be blase, but that's not going to get you anywhere. People feel good about doing things with you if you're enthusiastic.
You've gotta go for it, and go for it with gusto."

"She is this very beautiful, very engaging actor, but she thinks of herself as being a bit of a geek. So there's a quality of unawareness of her own beauty.
And her own ability to underestimate herself in a way makes her more appealing."

"In London, I was overwhelmed by the talent and overwhelmed by the mentality there, which is the working actor mentality. They don't see themselves as anything but actors. They don't get a lot of notoriety, they do it because they love it. It's kind of an old-fashioned approach to acting that I adopted as my own."

Interviewer: "What is the biggest piece of advice you received earlier in your career?"
Liz: " 'You will never work in this business. Ever.' This just made me more determined."

"I cannot stand when things go into a formula. It starts to make me crazy. I like things to be active, I like to be interested, I like it to be sexy."

Interviewer: "What has been the hardest or biggest test for you as an actress so far in your career?"
Liz: "Keeping my joy and patience can be very stressful. Bad behaviour is encouraged in this business. I try to resist, keep it joyful and clean."

"I have a sweet husband, who tells me I'm beautiful when I know that I'm not and I'm very, very grateful for that."

"They say that when you have a child, for the rest of your life your heart walks around outside of your body... My son fills my heart, soul, and head."

"Her description of their Washington home sounds almost Eden-like: 'Chris and I are both huge lovers of gardens and trees, and I'm an enormous fan of anything that flowers and fruits,' she says. 'I've got everything you could possibly imagine - plum trees, kiwi trees, cherry trees. I've got raspberries and blackberries growing wild and apples everywhere.' "

"We're all the nerds of our world, aren't we? I was a complete, total nerd... I loved the idea that the underdog wins more often than not.
And I don't know if that happens in life. But I want it to."

"What was really nice about [Lost] was people were so intelligent and concise in their thoughts. And they were so completely devastated that Juliet was gone, or thought to be gone. One guy was in tears talking about it. It was really nice to be that person for people when I had other people be that person for me."

Interviewer: "You have been at this for some time. What is the biggest thing you have learned about yourself through it all?"
Liz: "That I truly love what I do! That I have a hard time with people not performing up to their potential. That good writing is a gift. That I can survive with little to no sleep and with a measure of grace as long as my son or my characters are involved."

"The nature of being an actress is to be fallible, to be vulnerable.

"As an actor I never work with a complete idea of what the end is gonna be. I prefer to work with an understanding of what my character's intentions are,
what she's trying to do - which is how we all go through life." ♥

For anybody who is inspired by the amazing, adorable Elizabeth Mitchell, I don't think many words are needed :) Wishing all the happiness in the world to an unbelievably incredible & beautiful woman. For your awe-inspiring passion and utter honesty towards art, love, and simply living life, all of us who love you can never say thank you enough. ♥ ♥ Happy Birthday ~

PS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Nathan Fillion!! I wish I had time to make an awesome picspam for him and his utter geeky awesome-ness. Maybe I'll do a belated one~

flist: scandaloussteph, star: elizabeth mitchell, picspam

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