"the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return"

May 18, 2010 01:21

♥ ♥ ♥

Simply, amazingly beautiful - there are no words that could do justice to the myriad of emotions each of us experienced during those last few moments. I won't even begin to try...

All I know is that the longer I think about it, the stronger it resonates within me and the more often my mind goes back to the very beginning. Just to know the journey these two characters have gone through, both together and individually - the history, the chemistry, the trust, to have loved others and to have been heartbroken, to have hurt and been hurt. And yet here we are - it's never ever truly too late.

Regardless of what happens next, this ship/fandom will always have this moment. ♥

(with regards to the .gif, feel free to take it if you'd like, but please do not hotlink. Thanks. )

tv: house md, fangirl moment, ship: house/cuddy

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