I've been tagginated by
islandsora. Whee.
Write a little paragraph about your name, why you chose it, what it means to you, etc.
It's a weird sort of compression of my infamous e-mail, archetypescausecancer. That is, it's nearly twice LJ's character limit, so I lifted the first five letters... and stuck on something vaguely germaine to the leftovers. It's really a shortening of "archetypes should die", I think. Something. Do you want my thought processes to make sense?
What would you change your name to, if you were changing it?
I'd probably change it to something with "Storyteller" in it somewhere...
Why's that?
Because it's a reference to Graceverse, and my life is Graceverse. The Storyteller is the main deity. And in a vague way, it's me.
What is your favorite username?
... you expect me to know?
rhombal and
stardustenigma are really shiny.
One is amusing and the other is cool-sounding.
Now, tag five other unfortunates whose usernames you would like to hear about.
How about not? YOu can do this if you'd like~
I had a bad morning. And then I did three loads of laundry. Mmrgh. Half the world is taking SATs today and I'm not, yey.