Saint Wolfgang's potato powered submarine

Apr 27, 2005 20:31

1) Aaron, can I use you as a reference on my resume?

2) Bureaucracy - I've been running around SMU for the last week or so trying to pay off a 28 cent debt I owe on a library book which was a day late so I can get my marks. Had to pay it twice at different desks because of shoddy bookkeeping, but hopefully I'll be able to get my marks within the next couple of days. Aside from Egyptian, I feel fairly good about 2nd semester this year, and imagine I shouldn't have any marks below B's. I kinda wanted to take some extra Anthro this summer, but it can wait until next year/summer.

3) Old English O Snape

On Satanas, that lay soo depe,
And avysede hym of that syght
On what maner he myght dyscrivyn hit aryght.
He cowthe not wetton, he was so grym,
In what maner he myght dyscryvyn hym.
Hym thoght he was as grett to know
As any best that ever he saw.
His body was bothe brood and thykke,
And as blakke as ever was pykke.
So blakk was non, as hym semyd than.
Hym thoght he had the schappe of a mon.
He was bothe grett and strong
And of an hundryt cubytes long.
Twenty cubytes was he brad,
And ten of thyknes was he mad.
And when he gaput, or when he gonus,
A thowsand sowlys he swoluwys attonus.
Byfor and behynd hym was kende
On his body a thowsand hande.
And on ylke a honde was ther seyn
Twenty fyngrys with nayles keyn,
And ylke a fyngur semud than
The leynthe of an hundryt sponne
And ten sponne abowt of thyknes;
Ylke a fyngur was no les.
Hys nayles semyd of yron strong.
Full scharpe they wer and full long,
Lengur than evur was spere of werre,
That armyd men wer wont to berre.
Mony teght he had that was so wondur.
With hom he gnew sowlys insondur.
He had a muche long snowt,
That was ful large and brod abowt.
And hys mowthe was full wyde
With hongyng lyppus on eyther syde.
Hys tayle was greyt and of gret lenthe,
And in hit had he full gret strynthe.
With scharpe hokys that in is tayle stykythe
The sowlys therwith sore he prekydthe.
Apon a gredyron full hot glowand

4) Been reading alot on diabology lately, interesting to see how the use of the devil in iconography waxed and waned. The view most people have come to their mind's eye when they think of the devil is much different from that which would come to mind for someone living in the dark ages, not beastial in the slightest, handsome and merely lacking an aura of holiness or having a tarnished one.
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