(no subject)

Aug 04, 2005 17:23

Well as you all have might heard I recently joined the army I am not sure when i leave for basic yet but I know it'll be soon the sooner the better!

My reasons you ask:
1. If the draft is ever reinstated my brother is NOT eligible for it becuase he would be our fathers only son not already serving so he can make the choice himself even though I woudlnt let him
2. Its the right thing to do I could take the place of some married guy with kids that is deployed
3. If it doesnt kill me it'll only make me stronger
4. Sometimes in life you just need a change and i dont know if this is the right or wrong kind of change I need but its a change
5. Christie and I arent going to get back together

What are my plans for the army

MOS: Diver Combat Engineer
Special Training: Airborne and either RANGER or SPECIAL FORCES
Stationed Preference: Alabama or Georgia
Serving: 4 years

No I am not asking you to agree with my reasons. I am not asking you to like my reasons. All I am asking is for your support and if you dont support me FUCK OFF!

How Do I feel about this:
Excited ready to leave now beucase of the way things have been going here latley. Yet scared becuase its a whole new way of life living under new standards and change scares me. I dont know if I should even mention this but today I got the feeling like I wasnt going to get out of this alive. And if I dont its okay I am ready for the worst and hope for the best. Wish me luck I'll update you all when i leave for Basic and when i'll be back and what not Wish me luck
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