Hugos now, con report/book list later

Jan 22, 2014 01:03

I am dubious that people read me, but assuming they do:

I can nominate things for Hugo awards.  Really.  I want to do this. However, in particular, I want to nominate things that are not the standard white guy writings. (I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the white gal writings.)

Short stories are ideal, particularly if I can access them online.Works by persons of color are also ideal.  Works by persons of color that are not western-centric are even better. Works that are not western centric, even if they are by white people, are also in my things I WANT to read list.

Please, offer me suggestions.

(And if you happen to be one of my writer friends, please remind me of any eligible works you have. I make no promises about nominating, but at least it will get me to read them.)
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