Jun 07, 2008 15:34
You are in a mall when zombies attack. You have
1) One weapon
2) One song to blast through the speakers
3) One famous person to fight beside you.
My answers
1) Machete, every time. Hopefully, I also have my bastard flat file to keep it sharp in the meantime.
2) "Killing in the name of," though I have to say "I fought the law" is also a possiblity.
3) I'm not sure about this. I might have to go the "fodder" route...I think I'd like to go with Geena Davis - she's in Mensa, she's got a big brain, they can feast on that while I try to get away.
Mr. Marz' answers
1) Katana
2) "Let the Bodies hit the floor"
3) Jackie Chan.
See, I fear using Jet Li or the Rock or something. Fine while they're alive, but once they become zombies, I don't want them to be anywhere around. No use making superzombies.