Title: Fuzzy Logic
Prompt: 3. as the crow flies
Fandom: Original
Characters: Lizzi, Gwen, Missy, mentions of others
Rating: PG
Summary: When you have such a diverse mix of personalities, road trips can be... interesting.
A/N: I love these characters and their interactions. Pretty much the only thing you really need to know is that these three are college students, and they share a suite along with another girl named Kit.
Posted to
31_days_exchnge for
"Ten miles as the crow flies... that's a really stupid saying."
Gwen blinked and looked up from her magazine, glancing over at Lizzi in the driver's seat. In hindsight, it might not have been a good idea to let Lizzi drive. Knowing her attention span and sense of direction, if Gwen and Missy stopped paying attention they were liable to end up somewhere in Burma. Nevermind that there was an ocean or two in between, Lizzi would find a way. "What?"
Lizzi rolled her eyes, fingers tapping on the steering wheel as the highway stretched on before them. The three of them were on their way to Gwen's family's house for the long weekend, just to avoid having to be around on campus during a visitation weekend. They'd tried to convince Kit to come with them, but since she was part of student government the poor girl was being forced to stay on campus and conduct tours for hordes of marauding high school students. The others felt bad for her, but not bad enough to stay around.
"As the crow flies," Lizzi repeated. "It's a really stupid saying."
Missy raised an eyebrow, leaning up between them from her place in the back seat. "Why? It's ten miles straight, not counting the added distance because of the twists in the road. Birds don't have to follow the road, they can fly straight. Duh."
"Crows don't fly straight," Lizzi objected, and Gwen and Missy exchanged looks and slight grins. They settled back, ready to be subjected to another dose of Lizzi's rather... unique logic. "I mean seriously, when have you ever seen a crow fly in a straight line? Every time I see crows they're always over graveyards or roadkill, and then they're not flying straight, they're circling. So why does the saying go 'as the crow flies'? If it's supposed to mean a straight distance, shouldn't it be, like, 'as the eagle flies' or something? Eagles fly pretty straight, don't they?"
Lizzi glanced over at her friends, and Missy coughed to hide a laugh. Gwen didn't bother to hide her smirk. "As far as I know, Liz," Gwen nodded, voice perfectly innocent.
"Okay, so the saying should definitely be 'as the eagle flies'. Who was the idiot who came up with the crow version, anyway? Maybe the Native Americans? They liked crows a lot, I think. But then shouldn't they have known crows never fly straight?"
Gwen muffled a snicker. "Maybe they mistook a raven for a crow." Missy poked her sharply for giving Lizzi more fuel, but Gwen ignored her.
"Oh!" Lizzi blinked, though mercifully her eyes were still on the road. "A raven instead of a crow? Hm, maybe you're right. I don't know much about ravens though, do they fly straight? I've never seen a raven circling, so maybe they do. Then again, I don't know if I've ever seen a raven. Do they look much like crows, Gwen?"
Gwen nodded sagely, ignoring Missy repeatedly kicking the back of her seat. "Oh yes, except ravens are a little bigger, and their feathers are a dark gray instead of black."
"Hmm..." Lizzi's brow furrowed in thought, cheerfully oblivious (as usual) to the amusement her friends were getting from her rambling. "So maybe you really can mistake a raven for a crow." Her mouth formed a little 'o' of shock as another thought occurred to her. "Maybe I've been mistaking ravens for crows my whole life! Maybe crows really do fly straight, and it's ravens who circle!" She grinned over at Gwen in triumph. "So the saying's really right after all! Ten miles as the crow flies to our exit, then." Lizzi paused, glancing in the rearview mirror. "Hey guys? I think that was our exit."
Missy kicked the back of Gwen's seat again.