Jul 15, 2006 15:51
So after midsummer cleaning, I found an old piece of history. Doan, you better remember this. *snickers*
The Story of the Cerynian Stag (in Latin) by Doanus On and Gratia Ho
Eurysthius: Tu es etiam in servitutem, Hercules. Nunc volo tu ferre meum Cerynia cervum!
Hercule: Sed-
Eurysthius: Non sed! Noli reloqui mihi, adulescens! Ego sum dominus tuus! *Doan leaves stage grumbling to himself*
Hercules: Capiam cervum et referram ad meum dominus "magna cum intelligentia." Tume videbit quis sit fortiter...ego aut ille.
Narrator: And so, Hercules left for Cerynia in search for the stag. He traveled into a forest and soon came face to face with his quest.
Hercules: *turns to audience with his back turned to the stag and points thumb backwards at it* Illa creatura debet vincere me in cursor totum annum?
Stag: Est autimum. Si tu id credas. Ego sum celerior multo. Cape me si posis. Cape me si posis. Non potes! Ego sum cervis Cerrinamus. *takes off into forest and Hercules runs after it out the door into the hall*
Narrator: So, the deer took off into the forest with great speed and Hercules followed. Even so, the powerful man was not able to catch it. He chased the stag and did not stop at night, even to rest!
Hercules: Inveniam illum cervum sit extremam rem quam ago. *stag appears* Cur, dicde diabolo! Ibi est!
Stag: Nonne dedidisti tandem.
Hercules: Minime. Non cessabo dum, es Mycenar cum meo domino.
Stag: Et ubi erit id? In quinquaginta annis?
Hercules: *grabs stag by the antlers* Minime. Capiam te statim. *walks off stage*
O geez. Massive bombardment of memories. I remember the stuffed lion we tied to Doan's back and how said lion was bigger than him. *insert ginormous grin here* I still have it in my attic. Then we stole his sister's stuffed deer toy and I sewed gold origami paper around the antlers. The things we did for extra credit. Geez. That was some pretty crazy Latin too. I think we bsed everything there.
I've decided that memories are nice things to have. The things you find when you go through old things. *shakes head*