White Collar... Come on!!! Seriously?!

Dec 04, 2009 23:25

Here be SPOILERS...

Okay, seriously? Really? The ending of this last episode (1x07- Free Fall) is really, really making me consider NOT watching White Collar anymore. I suspect the writer who thought this up was either on crack or dropped on their head at a very young age. This whole conspiracy bit has been a little much from the very beginning, but having Peter as "the Man with the Ring"? Pure crazy, if you ask me. It doesn't fit with the character they've built thus-far, and when, exactly, did he get a chance to pick Kate up? How is he keeping her? Where is this whole thing going? It seems like the train might have jumped it's tracks, here. The only way I can see it fitting character is if Peter is trying to keep Neil from going after Kate this way, and that makes absolutely no sense either. It's whole crap-loads of crazy. Where is this going, why is it going there, and is it really worth it to go along for the ride or should I jump off the bandwagon before it hits the metaphorical wall?

white collar, discussion

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