So, I got the laptop I got from
manicgiraffe, working for
msjennylin. It's now serving up, over VNC, her desktop machine, to her in the bedroom, albeit at 800x600 rather than her monitor's normal 1280x1024. So, now we don't have any permanent computer in the bedroom. The noise of a server running while trying to sleep is freaking annoying, having had nowhere else do put them when we lived in the SC shoebox apt. The rest of the downtown SC noises drowned it out mostly, but it was still annoying.
Here, it's dead quiet at night. I'd hate to hear that high pitched whine while I was trying to sleep. So, no computer in bedroom on a permanent basis. But Jen's been trying to stay out of her chair more recently, so she's been sans computer for a good chunk of each day more than she'd like. Now that's fixed. Yay.