May 03, 2006 12:32
today has been really crazy! With my car still in the shop, the fuel lines are crossed and it needs the transmission overhauled (yeah okay so I know about cars...I even know how to do oil changes and tire changes), my dad has been kind enough to lend me his car. I HATE his car, but its got wheels and keeps me from walking here and there.
I headed out to my therapy appointment for my back and realized his signal lights weren't working. I wheeled into wal-mart (my home-away-from-home) and realized that the fuse, which is a 10amp needed replacing, no problem...and yep I called superman to figure out how the heck to get the old fuse out without pliars or a fuse puller.
I was a few minutes late to the appointment, but nonetheless, I made it there and finished up in record time! I have to go back on friday...I get bored there but its helping release the pain I've been experiencing in the mid section of my back (known as the lumbar section..and yeah I know medical stuff too, used to be a nurse)
I guess in all, you might say I am a jack of all trades, master of none...and I ain't afraid to admit, I don't know it all.
I had a surprising phone call from Jon last night! we talked forever it seemed. So good to hear from him and he's still working there at the postal place! I lived 2 blocks from Jon about a year ago...we met online but never face-to-face...I wonder why? lol!
I talked to Josh last weekend! He's a special friend of mine who lived like 15 minutes from me a year ago thats when I lived in southeast texas. Again I've known Josh for 3 years and never met him. He and I both regret never meeting and are planning to meet eventually.
Ryan..I'm so sorry, hun. I can't marry you and I've been telling you this for the past 5 years. It was brave that u asked my mom (I'll add over the phone) but you never showed up. How can I be with someone who shys away from my family and my hometown? My family ain't perfect, we're far from it, but then again thats everyone. I'd like to remain friends though..just friends.
alright now I gotta get going, gotta put gas in the car and head out to my sisters house to drop off a movie I borrowed 3 months ago. so I'll write more in here lata. big ol' M&M! I don't know about you!