This journal is now officially a holding pen for things that will go to the real blog

Mar 16, 2007 21:39

I thought I got sick to give myself a chance to write. I didn’t do that, so obviously it must have happened for another reason. I think I just figured it out.

As my blog has shown, I did a lot of reading this past week. I didn’t really do much else than that. I didn’t even really pay all that close attention to what I was reading. The Dresden Files really aren’t books you need to relish. They’re good, but they’re not going to change your life. I think this week was all about sitting on the floor in my room, huddled over a vaporizer, not thinking.

The experience of active non-thinking.

When you do this, everything outside the 4 walls you’re confined in disappears. All you can really pay attention to is what exists within; your mind/soul/spirit; whatever you want to call it. That was why what I cited recently hit me as so meaningful - I was able to link it up to the reality of what it illustrates; the experience the text points to.

I just came back from the Albright-Knox. There’s a piece by an Artist named James Turrell. In a nutshell, it’s a dark room with a blue rectangle. You’re supposed to sit in the room and daydream. It sounds strange but when you think about it, this piece is friggin’ amazing. Why? Because it comes with instructions, and gives you an easy way to connect with the experience the piece attempts to bring about. It’s simple and profound because it’s a physical “work” (for lack of a better term) that brings an inner experiential change, which is really what I think Art is supposed to be.

There’s a reality that most people are ignorant of. Most that know about it choose to ignore it. It is the experience of what goes on within us. Popular thought has marginalized this reality to the point where we tend to think of it as an illusory mental island that is our private domain, totally unique and irreconcilable to anyone else’s. The fact of the matter is that this just isn’t true. That’s what all the myths and gods and religions are trying to get across - there is a fundamental connection within us all that binds everyone you’ve known, know, and will know in a way so close and intimate we can’t handle the strain. We ignore it because to acknowledge it would force us to rewrite everything we think and do.
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