What a piece of work is man, said Shakespeare. Or, Hamlet, I guess? I don't know, I just found it on a quotes page. That's not the point, the point is that "what a piece of work is man" totally fits for angels as well.
Demons are their own special piece of work. We knew that already.
The angels... they act like they've got some god-given RIGHT to be all high and mighty, and kill demons. And yeah, okay, I know I used to be like that. It's what we're "born to do", right? That's just what archangels, especially, DO. Kill demons.
I don't know. I guess I feel like we should be trying to rise ABOVE our base instincts. Humans have managed pretty well, even when it comes to sex. And we're just humans with extra instincts in. So why the fuck can't we find a way to overcome those instincts?
"But Tay," you say, "angelic instincts are different! They have psychic shit all mixed up in them and they're way stronger than any human instinct's ever been!" Okay, first off, I think the human instinct to STAY ALIVE probably matches calling instincts. But okay, so you're right, an angel's calling is so much stronger than instincts. That's great and all, but can't we apply some LOGIC to our callings?
I'm sure my Aunt Helen just had a heart attack and doesn't know why.
Just... there are demons out there who don't deserve to be killed. Some of them have never done anything wrong - my friend Piper? She was adopted. She got her wings in, ran away, ended up in Chicago. I ran into her when I was driving through, a couple punk archangels who thought they were all that were giving her a hard time. I shot one of them in the kneecap and broke the other one's wrist. Stupid kids. It's not like I'm even older than them, they had to've been 20 or so, but they were completely untrained, just a couple of dumbasses giving a 16-year-old girl a hard time in an alley. She's a good kid, Piper. She doesn't want to hurt anybody, she doesn't want to be a bad person. She's a Glaysa, and very untrained, so her emotions get a little... everywhere sometimes, but it's not malicious.
Should she be killed?
Or this guy that I met in Vegas. Elashte. I had to stop by to meet up with someone who said they had some info on my mom. Given that until I was three or so, my family pretty much owned Vegas, it wasn't hard to believe. The demons own it now, and Elashte's their leader. Neq'ael. So I get cornered and picked up - apparently they thought it'd be more fun to bring the angel to the boss rather than just kill me outright, or maybe that's the rule. I was a fucking bitch to the guy, but Elashte was very calm and reasonable, and I told him I wasn't interested in hunting him and his crew of jackasses, I was just seeing someone and then I'd be gone. He said of course, that was fair, and since I hadn't been doing anything suspicious, I shouldn't have been bothered - that was with a very pointed look at the guys who dragged me in, they probably got what was coming to them - and that I was free to go anywhere in the city so long as I didn't cause any trouble.
I was out of there by the next night, but y'know, if I'm ever on the run from angels, that's DEFINITELY the place I'll go. Elashte seemed pretty... fair. Not necessarily GOOD, he's an old demon (they tend to be worse, I've found), and basically a gangster, but fair. I don't think he'd turn me away if I asked for his help, and that's a really crazy thought, for someone like me. Not that I anticipate asking for his help.
Mat's probably the best angel I've ever met. Not in terms of skills, 'cause fuck knows he's shit at combat or anything like that, just in terms of... being the best person. He cares about people. He puts other people before himself. He tries to help when he can, and he knows his limitations. He doesn't care what species you are, he cares what kind of a PERSON you are.
Unless you're Coyote. I hear Mat's got a pretty serious grudge against that guy. But then, Eternals are different, you know?
Character: Tay Barnam (OaS-verse)
Words: 753
Prompt: Men come from the jungle, from talon and claw, but we're so much more than that old, bitter law for