I think we're all clear on the fact that one of the fundamental values of american society is individual liberty. Why is it that so many peoples' versions of individual liberty in this country equate to cockholery? Was cruising Amazon for some books on activism, came across MoveOn's book and decided (against my better judgeement) to read the
1 star reviews. Now, I myself have never been a huge MoveOn fan and have indeed noticed it's slow slide to something close to 4Chan (internet trolls have no political boundaries, after all). But jeez louise! Read those fucking reviews! The top one and one near the middle have a couple of reasonable (if somewhat misplaced) points, and the guy at the top at least seems to have skimmed the book. But this...this...
"The #1 way to love your country is not by getting this book. Do yourself a favor and read the Constitution and use that as a basis of your love for this country. And I am sorry but this country is not a Democracy, it is a Republic. Read the constitution and tell me where it says democracy. It doesnt. Our founding fathers knew a government based on a democracy or mob rules would not work. They formed a Republic of the United States. And I wish these people would stop the "we won the popular vote in 2000" mantra, again read the constitution. It does not say the president must "win the popular vote." Our founding fathers knew this would not work. Plus it's 2004, get over it."
It's... I just.... GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!! Brain. Breaking!!!!
You want to hear some REAL swearing? Like, not the candy-coated shit-spew that normally comes out of my mouth? Click the motherfucking cut, motherfuckers.
Sweet jesus fucking christ with an Obama-shaped dildo up his jewish crack. What the fuck is wrong with people? The mentally retarded kids I used to share a bus with in Special Ed had better grasps of logic and personal responsibility than this ass-turkey.
Yes, I'm aware that a Republic does not have to be a democracy. Are we in fact (as opposed to slight shades from time to time), ancient Rome? Shall I get in my fucking chariot pulled by African slaves dressed as tigers and ride on down to the goddamn Collosium that was graciously donated by our last god-emperor, where I will fingerbang a couple Gaulish prositutes in the top row while I watch this week's religious martyr get humped to death by lions? As fun as that sounds on one level, it is not, I will not and I will not.
We have at least the pretense of being something of a democracy. I think that was clearly intent in the founding father's wishes. Or maybe it wasn't. Maybe they actually intended the Electoral College as a means of defrauding citizens of their political voice. They were a bunch of Masons, after all. But you know what we have that the founding fathers didn't have? 233 motherfucking years of social science. That's what we fucking have. 233. Goddamn. Years. Of social science. Based on observation. Oh lordy god NO, let us not learn from experience! Let us not adapt our cherished principles so they still fucking work! Let us remain ignorant, as the bearded dude in the sky intended! Of course, since people are still reading old testament like it's some kind of new age self help book filled with better ways to live your life, after 2-THOUSAND years, I'm not entirely surprised. They could AT LEAST skip to the shit with the red text.
We live in a society that's made an artform out of interpreting, reforming and recasting social policy enacted by the last generation, punctuated by foot-dragging. That's often as sticky and deadly as the Boston Molasses Disaster, but that's largely the way things is. My beef with this shitbiscuit, every other shitbiscuit on that page, and all other shitbiscuits of his ilk, young or in a walker, is this: they don't understand that. They think it's okay to sit there and mentally cherry-pick the freedoms they pretend to have, rather than waking up and seeing what actually happens in this country.
I don't like a lot of liberals. I don't think government solves all problems, or should be expected to solve all problems. I support that one shitbiscuit where he's talking about time spent organizing civilian efforts probably being more fruitful than lobbying for government legislation. But you know what, Mr. Shitbiscuit? The way things usually WORK in our flawed little democracy is that if you don't back up your efforts with grassroots legal change, the right to keep doing whatever you're doing gets sold out the backdoor to whatever lobbying group in the country has the biggest $-cock at the moment. I know this because I watched the asshole politicians who sell you their ideas do it for the last 20 years.
It's sad, but it happens all the goddamn time. I don't know how patriotism got connected with shopping at Wal-Mart, watching TV in your Rascal scooter and criticizing the people who actually seek information on how to go about making their corner of reality a little less ugly. But however it started, it's gotten real old, real fast, and I wish it would follow legwarmers and Milli Vanilli into that twilight dumpyard.
If they actually *did* realize that they were getting boned by the way things work? What would they do? Create civilian activism groups to ignore the government? Some do, granted. We call them "cults" or "armed compounds", but hey. And sure, some of them make huge networks of Christian-funded radio shows meant to do the exact same thing they harp against (effect government policy through lobbying), but this is, as always, lost on the shitbiscuit peons.
And the grain of truth in what they say infuriates me because it's so misused. Let's take Ben Franklin as an example. He embodied a good deal of the early spirit of this country. Innovative as hell, when something was missing socially he tried to get citizen programs together to fix it, etc. A do-it-yourselfer. If he was alive today I suspect he'd be spending a lot of his time busting ass both through his writings and direct in Washington to create a social and political climate that actually *favors* those activities. Or maybe I'm wrong again. Maybe he'd sit on his nutsack and claim his birthright of freedom as license to be douche-ious.
And my other beef with these shitbiscuits is that might actually live in my zipcode and thus somehow affect my life via the voting process.
I tell you, it makes me want to devise some kind of neo-pagan ritual (I'm not conservative, so obviously I'm a neo-pagan) to raise the dead from their graves. I'd go wake up George Washington and stand back laughing while he just ran around giving people mushroom tattoos with his massive ecto-phallus. Fuckity fuck, is this what he crossed the Potomac for? Spent a third of his life working towards? Watched men under his command die for? I guess maybe he did, but that somehow just... doesn't excuse it. I love seeing freedom cherished and shared, I hate seeing someone rub it all over their naked ass like it's a wad of hunskies and they're giving a lap dance in offstrip Vegas. If having that *opinion* makes me a liberal fascist somehow, please hand me my Fascist Juice which I will sip until drunkenness, only to stumble off to oppress some motherfuckers who are more fascist than I am. Repeatedly, with George Washington's massive ecto-phallus.
And you know, at first I thought I was going to write something about the insane liberal drivel on some of the 5-star reviews of that book. But man, man was I wrong. I was so very wrong.