Jun 18, 2008 14:33
Ever have those times when you're pondering something and God makes the decision for you? Well, that happened to me at the game on Saturday. You see, for the past 3 weeks I've been skating on an injured knee. It's a sprain/strain with fluid on the knee, but I'm stubborn, so I kept skating on it. I talked to my captain about taking some time off to allow it to properly heal instead of constantly reinjuring it as I have been doing and she and I decided to put that off until after the next game in July. Well, on Saturday, in the second half of the game, I was standing on the sidelines, watching the jam and one of the girls from the other team got hit and came flying towards me. I tried to turn and get out of the way, but she ended up knocking my legs out from under me and I landed with my back across someone's skates. I have a pretty big bruise and some very angry muscles. I couldn't walk right for 2 days, I still can't really bend and my chiropractor told me it might be about a month before I'm able to skate again. So, looks like the decision was made for me to take off this month instead of next month. Right now my life involves a whole lot of ice, ibuprofen, Traumheal and rest.
I'll post some pictures when the internet gets fixed at my house.
roller derby