
Dec 05, 2005 10:52

Huzzah! Tis my birthday today, and I am a righteously boring 22 years of age. I work 8 hours today, but at least I don't actually DO anything at my job except surf the net and play MMOs that I install on the lab machines. WOO! $7 an hour too, going up to $7.25 after break!

Anyway, I'm looking for a place to have my birthday shindig. Someplace that is roomy and does not smell like urine or garbage, preferrabley. I don't know if there will be a lot of people, but I'm planning on sending the invites when I can finalize a location. Location location location! Hopefully there will be much dual-dance pad DDR and food involving the pizza realm. Oh yes, and alcohol. No birthday after 21 is complete without that.

Also, I've been checking out EVE, a space pilot MMO game that has a star cluster as a world setting...and when I'm talking huge I mean HUGE! Like TO SCALE HUGE! The first few minutes of the tutorial in space almost made me afraid of heights, but it seems cool. The game is pretty much a trade/space combat game, with colonization at the forefront. You don't really get out of your ship much (if at all), and new skills are downloaded to your brain over hours of real time. It affects all sorts of things. Ships are customizeable, as is your character pic (customizable to the nth degree) and the graphics...OMG THE GRAPHICS! I have yet to see a space game or otherwise with better graphics. Here are some screenshots of real gameplay:

And here are some interesting .wmv movies to check out, all using real gameplay.

Anyway, so yeah, birthday! Please let me know if you would be interested in attending and if you might be able to find a decent location. Cya all after finals!
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