Feb 28, 2006 18:06
So everything for me has worked out since the last entry. Learned a few lessons since then. But I'm better for it I think.
Laurens gonna kill herself with all the shit going on in her life right now. I'm worried about her. She always used to write about how she thought I was over working myself. But I knew my limits and such. She's just gonna lose it if she doesn't get some glimmer of hope and normalcy soon. I try, but I can't really help. So yeah...
I miss summer.
I miss the warm sun over the lake, watching the last few boats pulling tubers before it gets dark. I miss the sounds of the crickets and the birds. I miss the long nights and late morings.
I want this summer to be like last only better. I really do.
Watch the stars come out for us.
And Fireflies.