Jul 07, 2009 05:31
I'm not a criminal, but I have done my fair share of breaking and entering. Mostly into my own home/car and on occasion for a neighbor or friend for their home/car. This past Saturday was no exception. I was playing WoW to kill some time and heard a knock on the door. It was my downstairs neighbor whom I had only seen on occasion since him and his girl moved in. Apparently, they had locked themselves out of their apartment and due to not carrying $50 cash with them, were unable to have maintenance come around to let them in. Yes, you heard correctly. In order to get back into their apartment, maintenance wanted to charge them $50 cash. No checks for these guys, thank you.
However, being that it was 100+ degrees outside, the maintenance people were nice enough to tell them how to break in their own apartment via the sliding glass door on the balcony. Well, according to the guy, he could pry the doors apart, but neither himself nor his girl could get their fingers in there to push the bar that goes over the second door, up. So, he needed a coathanger. I didn't have any coathangers, but I did have a long dagger. Surprisingly, they didn't even ask why I would have a long, extremely sharp dagger in my possession. Needless to say, with a bit of luck, and using my small fingers, we were able to get them into their apartment. My good deed for the day.
The next evening, I am taking my dog out and I notice something on my door. I pick it up and open it and it's a Thank you card from the downstairs neighbors. I've received thank you cards before, but never for helping someone break into something. It made my night and I thought it was extremely sweet of them. So I wrote them a little note explaining that and stuck in between two boxes of Cracker Jacks and left it on their door with an invitation to stop by anytime.
Who says manners and thoughtfulness are dead?
Other than that little escapade, not much is really going on in my world. I go to work, come home, eventually get to bed, wake up, piddle around for a few hours before work and then start the process all over again. It's entirely too hot to do anything outside. Add that to the fact that I don't have the best A/C in my 19 year old car and if I plan to do anything, I have to wear light clothes, lots of deodorant, and brings some wipies so I can wipe myself down after driving there. It goes beyond 'that melted' look at this point.
Work is going well. For those that don't know, I started a temp job at another bank. My contract ends in October, but I'm hoping they'll hire me on. According to most of the things I've been told by those I work with, I have a good chance at it. For some reason, most temps they get don't really want to work and just half-assed do the jobs their given. There are three that I work with that, thus far, have exclaimed over my enthusiasm and hard work enough that I tend to believe them.
The pets are doing fine. I'm currently in the process of trying to integrate the new kitten into the household. Sayva, my cat, and Kida, the new kitten, don't really see eye to eye. Literally and figuratively. First, it was Sayva who would hiss at Kida, now it's the other way around. Gurgi, the dog, keeps wanting to play with Kida, but seeing as how he is currently still 30 times her size, I have to watch them carefully. I still lock Kida up in the bedroom when I'm not home. The main reason is because Gurgi tends to 'pounce' when he plays and I don't want to come home to a flattened baby. Not to mention, D would probably be upset when he got home to find he no longer had a kitten. Oh, I'm not sure I mentioned that part. I found Kida a home, however, due to circumstances, it will be a while before she can go to that home. D named her a few weeks ago and I'll be taking care of her until he can get home to take her.
Well, time to get ready for work.