Colorbars, Stamps, Fanlistings, etc.

Dec 11, 2009 22:49


Laharl is love the Overlord!

Joachim Armster is Love

darkthrone is love

mayhem is love

ffxii is lovebrought to you by the isLove Generator

Personality - who/what I resemble most behavior-wise
Mirror - who I look most like


Community: _zelda_rating
Theme: Regular
Also suggested: N/A

Community: cv_stamps
Theme: Regular
Also suggested: Joachim Armster

Community: mythologique_r
Theme: Regular (Personality)
Also suggested: Elf

Community: chocobo_stamps
Theme: Regular
Also suggested: Squall

Community: chocobo_stamps
Theme: Summon
Also suggested: Leviathan, Odin

Community: xenorating
Theme: Regular
Also suggested: N/A

Community: seventwin
Theme: Regular
Also suggested: N/A


Community: mythologique_r
Theme: Regular (Mirror)
Also suggested: Vampire

Community: chocobo_stamps
Theme: Stereotypes
Also suggested: Selfish Antihero


iam_the Joachim Armster (Castlevania: Lament of Innocence) of LiveJournal!

I claimed:
→Walter Bernhard (Castlevania: Lament of Innocence)
→Larsa (Final Fantasy XII)
→Ailish (Sudeki)
@ gamecharacter

"So basically, you're cunning, ambitous, and willing to use any means to meet your ends. Lots of people think Slytherins are cold, evil, heartless people.. and although some are, some are not. Slytherins are the most misunderstood people.. You're not all evil! We're misconceived and misunderstood, and have been given a bad rep.. The movie makes us look terrible. People just have this thing about people about ambition.. Hmm.. Well, you know you're the best, so I guess it doesn't matter. Gryffindor may beat you at everything.. but you still keep trying! COME ON, SHOW SOME SLYTHERIN PRIDE!"

stamps, !public, etc., fanlistings, colorbars

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