So, there's an
underground oilfield burning away in the Los Padres Nat'l Forest. There's a cool photo of the territory up there in the LA Times article. Weird things sometimes happen underground. Along stretches of the Mojave River after a fire - when they think it's been put out - the interconnected roots of the cottonwoods and brushy things smolder away, hidden, and then erupt into flame. I conducted a survey along 70 acres of the river a while ago with a friend and kept looking for telltale smoke. Didn't find any. ;-)
I'm leaving for AZ early Sunday for the PhD orientation. Whee! Now should I go nuts finishing as much of that annoying report as I can...or just leave it until I come back? The client is so. slow. that I'm not particularly worried about it. Most of it is done except the part that hinges on the 2 surveys. Heh. That would be the important stuff, you could say. And that part cannot happen until the City of R can loan me a police officer to accompany me, since part of the surveying has to be done on property that contains some sensitive police materials. I've never surveyed under the watchful eye of the law before. I did almost get a parking ticket in the City of V for parking on the land I was surveying, off a dirt road that bordered the parcel. Neighbor (or someone) reported "an abandoned car" - hey that was when muh car was new and quite shiny. As luck would have it, my boss pulled up at the very moment that the officer was getting ready to stick a ticket on the car. I was down in a ditch and would never have seen it happen.
City of R cannot accommodate until after the 18th. Maybe I'll get the extraneous writing out of my hair. When I get back, there is ongoing monitoring and hopefully a Phase II. That is, unless they do the Phase II without me. Bad: no get to dig and see on the Colorado River; Good: no dealing with excavation and all that in what has been 110+ degree temps over there. It's been a balmy 95-99 on the monitoring job...
Then school starts back up, end of the month. Three classes, it looks like. Nothing new, syllabi all done, minor revisions for one class.
I'm beginning to panic a bit about combining two jobs and my life with a doctoral program. I keep telling myself that I did this before to get the master's. And then, the kids were all younger, and the jobs were different - well, one was, anyway. Even though I'm working more, I'm hoping that there is a bit more flexibility built into the current two jobs. On so many levels this step feels very right - I'm going to trust I can find a way.