What's up tonight...
First off, I really had the most amazing intro to cultural class tonight. It was almost completely interactive with just the right amount of lecture-stuff interspersed. Good topics, engaged students. Okay, so I'll stop whining about having to teach it more and physical less. Ideas for next semester are popping already. Nice.
How do we import this
kind of thinking to the High Desert? It's a good, sensible gesture. I don't know enough about science teaching in Europe to know what kind of a wallop this will pack. There was one sentence in the article that bothered me. "Pressure to teach creationism is weaker in Europe, but has been mounting." I have heard this is happening in the UK. The rest of Europe as well?
some levity. The Ig Nobel prizes. Of course my person favorites were in chemistry - extracting vanillin from cow dung and in linguistics - "for a study showing rats sometimes fail to distinguish between a person speaking Japanese backwards and a person speaking Dutch backwards." Cow dung. Hmm. Maybe there's an Ig Nobel prize waiting there for me someday. One can dream. ;)