Sep 07, 2006 15:48
We are all moved in which is good. hurdling over boxes, all around. We have had a problem or two with the new house however. (Remember my mentioning the old friend saying not to trust the owners/contractors farther than we can see them, as her acquaintance with 'em goes way back?!)
Where shall I start? With the incomplete wiring which caused half the house to have no electric outlets that worked? Or with the exploding septic tank? Or maybe with the unsealed toilet in the kids' bathroom that caused the exploding septic to flood the bathroom and spill under the wall into the boys' bedroom, ruining the carpet? Now those of you that know me know I'm a pretty patient, easy-gong type. But even I have my limit. My limit came as we, having been unable to use any water, flush any toilet, etc. over night and the contractor showing up Sunday morning saying that the septic guy couldn't be called out of church to help us...because he's a...deacon. I did mention that I didn't care if he was the Pope - the situation needed to be made right - Chritian sabbath or no...All of this stuff is under a new house warranty that the sellers have to honor for a year. I was immediately cast as the Evil Heathen Wife of Poor Michael(Let's see - Darwin fish on my car, collection of gargoyles, voodoo stuff from the NOLA trip, I'm sure that helped seal my image), Now these folks will only call Mike cos he's the man, although my cell phone is our primary contact number.
I hate to let my anti-fundamentalist bias show so blatantly (sure I do) but this situation is weird and getting progressively weirder. I do have a feeling that it will all work out but these obstacles are getting ridiculous. It appears that the contractors/sellers have a stable of religious slaves working for them. Weird weird weird. Small town strangeness. Who needs to live in Utah for this kind of oddness to happen. They have dragged/are dragging their heels over every repair and they have the weirdest excuses for why they aren't fixing things. The electric is now apparently functional. One obstacle overcome. After huge delay, they put new baseboards in. They didn't want to put new carpeting in the boys room - they wanted to blow dry it. They tried to talk Mike into that. Hello?! This is a brand new house with sewage spilled onto my kids' carpet?! The guy stares through me and talks to my husband. Divide and conquer. It's probably a good thing we spent a few years among this crowd of adherents - at least none of this stuff goes unnoticed.
The latest deal is that we don't have phone wiring. Verizon (aka The Devil) can't say exactly what's there and what's lacking, but they can tell me that it's not the seller's responsibility to have us wired for a phone. That does NOT sound right. So here I sit in an Internet cafe, checking my school email, updating my class roster, and writing this rant...I will be here on LJ sporadically unless I can find a hot spot closer to home. This one is the only one in this whole wide valley I know of and it's about 25 miles from home. Verizon told me this morning that our situation has to go through "engineering" and could take up to 30 days to be resolved. I'm beside myself. Wish me luck and I'll update when I get another chance to get connected.