Apr 05, 2009 13:19
(Cross posted with my FA journal)
Found myself with a few minutes for a change and thought I'd type out a little update. Life's still crazy hectic, but I'd probably be complaining of boredom if it were any other way
First off I had a shitty few days a few weeks ago. I had almost everything lined up and done for my exhibit, and by damn it I was proud! I had a map of the museum layout, the text panels and associated pictures were pretty much done but for some final tweaking. I had all my activities planned and even had a friend volunteer to build me a really cool interactive dig box. Then, the museum where I was supposed put the exhibit up starts going through some political drama. Now I've been in contact off and on (mainly off) with a representative of the museum since last summer trying to get this exhibit together. For the most part he was very hands off and very vague when I asked for specific questions to be answered (like "what room space do I have? How many cases can I use?" kind of important stuff). About a month before all my final stuff is due they switch funding sources and get a whole bunch of money to start building a new museum. Now they're freaked out about the quality of stuff in their museum...including the exhibit I'm putting together. They start getting very micro managy and move my exhibit all over the museum. I finally had enough and talked to the director...we both agreed it would be best for me to put my exhibit on hold...until next year. XP So all the stuff I've put my blood sweat and tears into these past few months is on standby. Bah!!! At least I was a little less stressed at the decision. Not to mention about this same time we find out the house we were on the verge of buying has a TON of things wrong with it...like multi- thousand dollar problems, so we have to back out.
Now that the exhibit is on hold I have to switch gears and concentrate on writing my thesis (the actual document) once more. I reaaaaallly don't like academic writing, but such is the nature of the beast. Things started looking up again by this time...we found another house that we really liked and started negotiations on. I got to hang out with one of my really good buddies, and I'm learning to play roller hockey. Yay hitting things with sticks!
This weekend really helped my outlook on life. Friday I found out I got a very hefty fellowship that I'd almost decided not to apply for. Always apply for money...you never know what's going to happen! Saturday there was a local archaeology conference where I got to hear some interesting papers, see some old friends, and found out I got awarded a grant to help buy materials for my exhibit. ^.^ I was the only applicant, but that still didn't make the fact I got the money any less sweet! I also got to chill out at home for a while after the conference yesterday, which was a blessing in of itself considering I haven't been home for a weekend in about a month. >.< It's getting tiring! Oh and as of Friday it looks like we've got the house! Final negotiations are underway. We'll see what happens next.