Hey, at least I update more often than Luke.

Feb 09, 2004 23:22

I have started down the dark and addictive path of NWN. Speaking of which, fate kicks me in the face again. I actually have things to do, but no time to do said things. I'm scheduled to work 28 hours this week, and as far as I know, it's not going to get any better until the end of the month. We're down to 8 courtesies, and we won't be able to hire anyone else for a while. Not to mention the fact that I'm still behind in Honors English. Damnit.

Otherwise, not much new with me. Recently, I've been thinking about cause and effect as it pertains to my life. I might post about it later if I'm in the mood. But I have noticed one thing. Something is going to happen to me soon. No, I'm not thinking of death like Jared was for a while, but something relatively major. I don't know what it will be, but if it does, it will help prove a theory of mine. It depends on whether it's completely beneficial, or just in the long run.

Okay, starting to ramble here. Not like people can't just skim over it, but I'm just stating the obvious. Looking at the clock, I'm going to go hit the sack. Working tomorrow from 5-10, which is probably the most common shift I get scheduled for.
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