(FIC) Experiments of the Kinky Rogue Prop Kind (PG-15) Spoiler/Speedy II

Jul 05, 2008 17:27

Uh, so, last year around this time, I asked for prompts for a Smut-a-thon. But I suck, and smut is hard to write, so I haven't finished writing them yet. So, I thought.. why not, right? Maybe I can't write smut, but at least I should try!

So here it is. Another failed attempt at it! Some nudity and girls kissing and giggling, but that's all I managed. Go me! For jij's prompt 'Mia and Steph, lipstick'.

Fandom: DCU
Title: Experiments of the Kinky Rogue Prop Kind
Rating: PG-15
Characters/Pairings: Steph/Mia
Word Count: 1400+
Summary: Spoiler teams up with Speedy II against Poison Ivy, and turns out Speedy doesn't know much about how Ivy works.

Experiments of the Kinky Rogue Prop Kind

Spoiler leaned forward, adjusting the lens and the sample for a better view of the chemical she and her impromptu partner had recovered from the robbery. The Cave was empty save for the bats, the flap of their wings and their chirring joining with the hum of computers, blanketing everything with a weirdly comforting blanket of sound. She knew the Cave from start to finish, the parts that served as the team’s base of operations and the empty passages and wide chambers that housed the bats and hardly ever saw a human face. She had taken the tour with Batman first, back when she had been Robin, training down there, and explored them again later with Tim while they talked after she had returned. The Cave was a place of secrets, but it was also an extension of home, no matter if you lived in the Manor or not.

“This place is creepy,” Speedy said in a hushed voice. “Are those bats okay? What if they have rabies?”

“They don’t have rabies. Batman monitors the colony,” Spoiler said, absent minded. Last time the colony had caught a disease, it had been disastrous. The clench had almost killed Alfred.

“Are you sure he won’t mind me being here?”

Spoiler looked up from the microscope, grinning. “I won’t tell if you won’t,” she said, pulling down her mask. The Cave’s humidity made it hell to work in full costume, and she wasn’t a masochist.

“So, have you found anything?” Speedy said, leaning against the table next to Spoiler.

“It seems to be a growth hormone for plants, which is no surprise, considering its Ivy we’re dealing with.”

“Okay,” Speedy nodded, waiting for Spoiler to say more. When she kept silent, she arched a well defined eyebrow. “Where does that leads us?”

Spoiler twirled her pony tail with her fingers. “Well, there’re a couple of labs, and some industries that deal with fertilizer… I guess she could have subverted an herbicide plant to fabric her own chemicals, she’s kind of big on poetic justice. Or…”

“Or she could be anywhere, any warehouse, any abandoned building or abandoned lab? Is that what you’re saying?” She huffed, taking off her domino and waving her hands with frustration. “A walk in the park, since Gotham doesn’t have all that many abandoned places.”

“I’m pretty sure we can narrow down the search. The computer can cross reference the chemical and her known hideouts and…” Steph stopped, glaring at the sample in the microscope. This part of the job wasn’t as exciting as actually punching Ivy in the gut, but it was important. The thing was, they were both sticky and she could still smell the vines that had held them while Ivy escaped. When they had cut them, they had bled thick, pungent sap. It had been gross.

“Well, at least it wasn’t the sewers this time,” she murmured, almost to herself.

“Do they do that a lot here too? Ollie and I end up in the sewers chasing baddies all the time. Super gross.”

“Why can’t they hide in nice places? Why does it always have to be abandoned somethings? And the rats! Wherever they go, rats!”

“I know! There should be like, a Captain Mall.”

“Or a Doctor Dippin’ Dots.”

“The Bath and Body Works Wizard.”

“I bet that one at least would smell good.” Steph said, grinning. “Okay, what else do we have?”

“We got her lipstick,” Mia said, taking out a small tube from one of her pouches. “Evil wears chip generic gloss?”

Steph laughed. “Oh, no. Nothing like that. That one is to control men. She puts them on and kisses them and they do what she says.”

“You guys sure get sexy villains,” Mia said, raising an eyebrow. “Why does she have to kiss them? Can’t she, I don’t know, just paint them with it or something?”

Steph shrugged. “I guess she likes to kiss them? Tim says it adds to the humiliation… and it always catches them off guard. They’re like, batting the vines off and throwing batarangs and side stepping acid and then bam, smooching.” She smirked. “It takes them down a peg or two. It would be funny if it wasn’t dangerous, you know?”

“So it only works on boys?” Mia asked while Steph turned towards the computer, opening Ivy’s files.

“Yeah, I guess.”

“It’s kind of pretty.”

Steph turned towards her, an inquiring look in her eyes. “You think?” The computer wasn’t helping much to give her a clearer idea of where Ivy could be.

“It’s a nice shade. Maybe too bright, but…” Mia trailed off, then walked towards Steph, lipstick in hand. “Put it on.”

“What? No!”

Mia rolled her eyes. “If it’s not toxic and it only works on boys, what’s the harm?”

“I don’t know. What if it doesn’t just work boys?”

Mia’s grin was huge, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Exactly!”

Steph eyed the lipstick and her partner in turns, wondering if the vines sap hadn’t been some kind of… risk taking compulsive goo or something equally ridiculous. She shook her head and sighed. The investigations were probably not going to go much father that night, anyway… “You put it on.”

“Why me?”

“Because if it works, then it will affect whoever wears it, not just the person-“ Steph cut herself off, blushing. “Not just whoever you kiss. And if Batman finds me wearing it voluntarily, I’m never hearing the end of it.”

Mia looked at the lipstick, turning it in her hand. She narrowed her eyes, gave Steph a sideway glance, and then put it to her lips.

Nothing happened. “Well?” Steph said, feeling a bit anxious.

“It’s… creamy?” Mia said, smacking her lips. “Uh, I don’t feel anything. I guess it just works on boys after all…”

Steph shifted her head to the side. “Kiss me.”

Mia took a step forward before thinking what she was doing. She stopped, her eyes wide. “Woah, okay, that made my lips tingle. And-“ she looked away, blushing. “I guess I was going to do as you said.”

“So? Why didn’t you?”

“You… you want me to? I mean, do you want to test this?”

Steph shifted. “Well, it would be good to be prepared if Ivy, uh, if she tries to use it against us or something. So she doesn’t catch us off guard.”


“Right. So, kiss me.”

Mia took another step forwards, her hands moving out of their own volition, cradling Steph’s face. Their lips touched slowly, sliding against each other. Mia stepped back, spreading the red lipstick over Steph’s lips with her thumb. “Do you feel anything?” she whispered.

Steph opened her mouth a couple of times, but no words came out. Mia leaned forward again, and this time the kiss was less careful, the awkwardness melting into enthusiasm. When Steph’s tongue touched hers, it was like a circuit closing, and they parted with a jolt.

Steph laughed, and Mia joined her. “Take me to your showers, vigilante,” Mia said with a commanding voice, and Steph quickly took her hand and headed further into the Cave. They stepped out of their sticky uniforms, giving each other quick looks full of mirth and mischief. Steph loosened her pony tail, a golden cascade falling over naked shoulders, and Mia took a deep breath, her tongue going over the lipstick. It tasted fruity, bittersweet, like green apples. She freed her own hair and stepped forwards, her hands reaching to touch the curve of Steph’s waist, coming to rest over her hipbones. Steph leaned to kiss her again, her hands going down her shoulders and guiding her into the showers.

“Wait,” Mia said, and Steph froze in place. The taste of green apples was strong in her mouth. “Is this the lipstick? Should we… should we wait for it to wear off?”

“Get in the shower,” Steph said, her voice unwavering and her face serious.

Mia stayed put, shaking her head, defying the orders.

Steph’s serious expression broke with a grin. “I don’t think we can make each other do things we don’t want to,” Steph said, pointing to Mia’s unmoving feet.

“So you don’t think it’s some kind of crazy sex enzyme or something?”

Steph laughed. “Oh no, that one's pollen.”

Mia did a double take. “Are you serious?” When she saw Steph nod, she started to laugh. “God, you have really kinky rogues in this town!”

Steph grinned, walking backwards towards the showers, one hand extended towards Mia. “It comes with the territory.”

Mia took her hand, walking into the tiled cubicle. “Really? So are the vigilantes here as kinky?”

Steph opened the shower, a spray of ice cold water hitting Mia in the back. “We’re kinky enough,” she said, getting under the spray and silencing Mia’s squeals with a kiss.

smut-a-thon, fic, slash, mia, steph

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