Here's the next chapter! Beta by the awesome
Series: Jaevel Av En Tango (A Devil of a Tango)
Title: Chapter 3 - Half Truths
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Bruce, Clark, Tim, Cassandra
Word Count: 1500+
Summary: The boys do some detective work, make some wrong conclusions and bring each other closer to their next meeting
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He definitely should too! Wotan - or Odin - was said to be exceptionally handsome and seductive, he had sacrificed one eye in pursuit of knowledge and he is accompanied by his two informant ravens Hugin and Mumin. And he is a mortal god, due to find his death in the final battle between Good and Evil, but we´re hopefully not going there, are we?
This is a really intriguing story, set in a refreshingly new AU! It seems to keep only the very core characteristics of the personnel involved instead of following the characters and their histories in DC Universe, at least for the moment, which doesn´t bother me at all! These mysteries surrounding them, the uncertainties about their intentions, make this great fun to read!
Though I must admit flinching at the depiction of Martha and Thomas Wayne in the chapter before, especially in the light of the current RIP story arc and the theories concerning the Waynes being fakes and murderers that being enthousiastically spun out by the fanboys on the message boards. * winces*
So I´m very curious about which side of the chessboard the figures will eventually come to stand!
And no, Bruce isn't really looking forward to dying in a final battle. I just don't think there is much place for final battles or justice in Earth 3, there's surviving and being able to fight another day, and that's good enough in some ways.
I am using all the canon I can remember for Earth 3 for the details of the people who actually live in Earth 3 -Owlman, Ultraman, the Talons, Superwoman, the Justice Underground, Commissioner Wayne and Boss Gordon- but I have taken some detours to allow Kal and Bruce to be there too. I am glad you're enjoying it, even though this doesn't follow on their DC stories much!
And I know what you mean about the Waynes :S I hadn't read anything about the crazy new stuff about the Waynes when I wrote this, and this seemed a good enough way to keep Bruce alive and away from Gotham.. the new rumors for the RIP storyline seem to fit a lot better in Earth 3 than in Earth 1, really. I like to think in our Earth they would have been good people. Bruce is messed up as it is.
I hope you'll enjoy how this turns out :) I am enjoying myself a great deal writing them in this Earth :) Thank you for reading!
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