A humbling/enlightening experience

Apr 20, 2008 16:19

Last night I went to another concert with my best friend Olga. It was... many things. The group, Miranda, is awesome. They play techno pop that is pretty much an 80's revival, you know, like if Erasure was instead from Argentina and formed two years ago or something like that.

So, anyway, it was a Youth Fest, so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised by the amount of youth there was. Seriously, though, I was SO OLD, it was full of preteens and teens, and it was scary. Worse, it was the crowd I never belonged to when I was young, the popular kids and the pretty girls and the fifteen year olds in torrid romances, et all. I had to cling to Olga for my sanity, it was just.. too much.. teen spirit and hormones. They have way too much energy! They started a mosh pit, for crying out loud. A mosh pit??? to this???

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So, they were loud, and they seemed to have gone to the concert just to make out quite thoroughly -at one point a teen couple just sat down to grope on the grass, wtf???- and I was... well, feeling very out of place and very old. The group before Miranda was this rocky emo group I never heard about, so Miranda seemed like a group for people of my crowd rather than their crowd, the synergy between public and group didn't quite catch on, though the singles were pretty hailed. Still. At one point this girl -maybe 14?- said 'This sounds like Mario Bros.!' and I wanted to cry. No, no, it doesn't sound like Mario Bros., for crying out loud, I don't think you kids even played Nintendo.

That's when it hit me. Man, I'm old. Or, more accurately, I'm not so young anymore!

YAY!! because being a teen sucks!

I can't help but notice the difference between last week's concert and yesterday's. I was in the adult section of Infected, so the couples groping and making out in front of us were at least very drunk -it was still very nasty! people, please, don't go to concerts to make out for 3 hours! it's a terrible experience crowd-wise for me as it is!- and despite it being psychedelic electronic there were no mosh pits. We mistakenly hung out in the minors area for a while and it was still completely different because the rave crowd is a whole other universe than the pop crowd.

I love the rave crowd. Even if they smell like pot and vick's vapor rub. Even if they chew the super fun glow-in-the-dark sticks. Even if they make out drunkenly despite being in a very crowded space. RAVE CROWD, where were you last night? Don't you like Miranda????

flesh-life, ferret's agenda

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