Science in the Aid of Porn

Nov 20, 2007 22:19

I've been reading Pharyngula with a devotion I usually keep for comic spoof pages. One of the reasons is, as I said earlier this year, that I missed reading all sorts of books and articles and knowing all sorts of tidbits and information that might not have that much use down the road... so since my book reading time is still short -though I have finished a book a month since then, and considering my sleeping pattern, that's not bad- I said... to the science blogs!

Anyway, as usual, I find myself to have been *wrong* about the usefulness of what I read down the road. The road, I must remember, often leads to porn. And you know what else leads my brain to porn?

Mirror touch synesthesia

[...] mirror-touch synesthesia-- a condition in which an individual reports feeling an actual tactile sensation in response to seeing someone else touched. For example, this synesthete would feel as if someone touched their arm if they saw someone touching another's arm.

Scientists are sexy!

Today was a stupid day and I again hope November ends soon! I had to wake up early because of the Revolution Commemoration Parade that would close most of downtown. School being downtown is awesome because food is great and downtown is fun in a non-snobby way, but man, streets get closed ALL THE TIME due something or other. Grr at having to wake up earlier to actually get to school... in which I didn't do much because I lack any kind of self control or concentration skills.

Anyway, I finished my first class, said goodnight to Jen, went to the toilet and my cellphone fell into the -thankfully clean- WC. NOEEEESSS!! So, of course it stopped working all morning, and I'm glad it's working now, but it has water trapped in the screen and that's both icky and annoying.

Then I went to my other class.. which started about an hour late.. in which we did nothing.. and I realized I had lost some money during the day. Gahh, why do I carry bills in my pant pockets??? Stupid ferret!

Later I went to see a woman from the board of a mental help association-thingie. She wants me to do a pre-project and some 3D views for a new center with workshops and offices and whatnot. Except she seems kind of skeevy and made me feel terribly uncomfortable, and sounds like she's trying to take shortcuts to get the Government to help her institutions. Which, okay, I understand the Government isn't exactly easy to convince to help you, but that is probably because so many people keep screwing them up!! augh. It reeks, and I doubt they'll pay me for what they want, so I'll have to tell them my terms this Friday. I understand they live out of charities and do help people -JD's sister works there as a counselor- but I am just not happy about being tricked into working for free. Because yes, those do sound like tricks. No-no. I am already working for free for the adult education social service thing that is ALSO cheating the Government and wasting my time like nobody's business. I am a huge fan of community help, but I get so angry at seeing them not do things by the book. Are my morals totally wrong? They are doing things out of the book to help others... so technically it shouldn't be so bad... but what about the other hypothetical places that are getting screwed out of help despite going by the book because these people are lying to get funds? So. I dunno. I came back from that meeting feeling icky and discouraged. They aren't doing anything illegal exactly -my social service employees are actually worse, saying they'll build a school when it will actually be their central offices and a small community center... still under the lines, yet not what they are applying for-, but they want to take two class rooms from a school in a very poor area of the city without even talking with the school principal and teachers about it first. I think that's just low. Especially because she wants that place because of the view. I mean... *sigh* And then, I don't think she'll get them (well, because, it's really petty) so they'll make me work for nothing, and then I'm sure I won't get paid because they will be turned down, and that is not funnyyyyy.

ANYWAY. That was the day, for the most part. Came home, had lunch, hung out with mom, went to school again, teacher lost my revised thesis protocol. Soooo, he'll look for it and maybe give it to me tomorrow. So I did nothing again at school, came back home, and AWESOMESAUCE! vespa331 sent me a package just before she left from Prague, and it totally made my day :) So, hon, if you're reading, THANK YOU! I'll write you a squealing mail in a bit, but everything was awesome. There was a little Rocky Horror lips pillow and a Rocky Horror book, which are really cool, and a little toy from a Kinder Surprise chocolate -it cracked me up that you explained me what they were, lol, we have Kinder Surprise treats here too, they sound so insane when you read what they are supposed to be!-, coins from different places she's been too.. MAPS! lots of maps! I love maps! yay! some magnets -one about Bat rabies! you better be careful about those rabid bats!- and other thingies.. and two Myanmar awesome shirts. The grey one fit well, the purple one -which is gorgeous- didn't come even close to closing! I mean, what??? What are Myanmar girls made of?? It fit my shoulders and my back, and it fit my waist, and then it would just not close at the chest. Seriously, I'm not what you would call of a generous bosom, and yet it did things that I dare not name to my chest while I tried to close it. TMI, I know, but girl, you gotta be tiny for that one to fit you at all! and I don't mean chest wise, I mean, you gotta have a 20 cm wide back or something. Mother laughed at me. I laughed too. It's soooo pretty! darn! But it's a Rachel-present, so I shall.. find some way to use it or display it. Somehow.

As for the Rocky lips, they are currently sitting on top of my CD rack right next to Anubis. They look... fab. Anubis looks fab. Everything looks fab around those lips. Including me!

Sooooo... that was today. Is it December yet?

flesh-life, plot bunny

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