*ramble ramble*

Nov 12, 2007 23:50

It occurs to me that the only reason I'm not a renaissance woman -or well, man, but you know... you know what I mean- is architecture. Yes, my so called education is preventing me from leading a complex, multidisciplinary, interesting life. In my quest to avoid writing my thesis protocol -why, again, do I have to write a thesis protocol when I'm not going to write a thesis next semester is impossible for me to guess- I read about the separation of Church and Education in the US -uhh.. which I thought was more final than it seems, but whatever-, embryo development stages, discussed The Ship of Theseus paradox with my brother, read about politics, comics, nitrogen narcosis, watched the Daily Show, read about squid mating rituals... pretty much Anything that fell into the category of Not Part of My Thesis. And it's not that I don't like the thesis theme, I actually was quite enamored with it before I started the protocol, but the Protocol is so redundant that I simply cannot care about it anymore -and showed me just how much of a hell it would be to *actually* write the thesis.

I told Ana that architecture was keeping me from having a more interesting life and she gave me the killer blow to all other theories about the greatness of this so called black hole of despair career. If I didn't have architecture, I would be healthy.


I want to be healthy, damn it.

Last final might be scheduled for the 10th of December, but most shall be done by the 3rd. I can't wait for November to be over.


I finished one of my claims for the worlds_finest Gift Exchange as organized by the amazing damos. I had LOTS of fun with it, and it too fell under the great many things I did so I could avoid the Thesis Protocol of Hell. Seven hours never better spent :) Have you claimed a prompt yet? you should! Overdosing on S/B is the best way to spend the holidays!

*runs to crosspost older stories*

november is crap, rant, flesh-life

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