Meme stuff

Oct 26, 2007 20:42

I'm stealing these because I asked for more than a bunch of drabbles from other people, so it seems it's only fair to reciprocate.

The first fifteen people to comment on this post get to request a drabble from you. In return, they have to post this meme in their journal. Post all fandoms you’re willing to write for.DC fandom, though I can probably ( Read more... )

meme, plot bunny

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Invitation for Disaster, PG (395 words) arch_schatten October 27 2007, 15:37:36 UTC
Pictures shall be taken as soon as we finish something :)

Aren't winter coats the beeest??? I love mine! it makes me look really dressed up all the time, lol, and it has big pockets, and it's warm and Highlanderish. There can be only one!

Sorry about the double comment, I messed up!


Blue hair, so blue it made the eyes below it sparkle.

Pale, pale skin, ruby red lips.

Long lashes framed by black liner, the black liner playfully escaping it's confines and drawing abstract stories of joy and life around his eyes.

The soft, round, squishy red nose. Clark continued to gap, his eyes darting to the big red boots and the colorful jumpsuit adorned with frills at the neck and sleeves. Red gloves and a matching red trench coat completed the outfit

"Are you for real?" he finally muttered, disbelief in every fiber of his being. "A clown?? You are dressed up as a clown in Gotham" He threw his hands up in the air. "This is asking for disaster! Of all the things-"

Grinning, Bruce interrupted him, his light baritone -it didn't seem possible, but who knew with this man- genuinely cheery. "C'mon, Clark, where is your sense of the bizarre? Where's your irony? Where's your wonder?" He pointed at himself, forcing Clark's eyes to go through the whole tight fitting ensemble again. "Here's your wonder," he said, lacing his arms around Clark's neck, his voice lowering. "It's for charity. We have everything under control."


"It's in Arkham and staying there," he growled. Ruby red lips touched Clark's, the kiss light and gentle.

Clark sighed, relenting, -if Bruce wanted to be a clown, Bruce was going to be a clown, apparently- and pulled him close.

Bruce pulled back. "You're messing up my make up," he said, smiling wickedly. "So... are you going with me?"

Clark eyed the other blue clown suit with the matching blue wig. He touched his forehead to Bruce's, his nose rubbing the red round one of his partner, hearing it honk slightly. "The things I put up with for you, Mr. Wayne."

"Are one of the reasons I put out for you, Mr. Kent."

Clark rolled his eyes and pinched Bruce's nose. "Ha-ha, very funny. Clown."

Bruce's nose made a clear 'honk', and Clark decided that his friend's smile was probably worth the risks of going to a costume party dressed as a clown in Gotham.

It was going to be a disaster, but he would feel better if Superman was there to help if anything went wrong. Besides, the clown suit was really tight and he didn't want anyone to be ogling his boyfriend if he wasn't too.


Re: Invitation for Disaster, PG (395 words) starsandsea October 27 2007, 19:07:26 UTC
OMG, Bruce and Clark as clowns!!! :D

Besides, the clown suit was really tight and he didn't want anyone to be ogling his boyfriend if he wasn't too.


(BTW, I forgot to say I love your new layout! Bats! Yay! :D)


Re: Invitation for Disaster, PG (395 words) arch_schatten October 27 2007, 19:49:14 UTC
Hot clowns, even! I couldn't help it, it was too much fun. Usually it's my Bruce muse who says 'Are you for real?' to Jen's Clark, but te-hee! Clark had a moment of disbelief today :)

I'm glad you like the new layout! I saw it and fell in love with it. I love the colors and the bats! weee!


Re: Invitation for Disaster, PG (395 words) jij October 28 2007, 06:10:44 UTC
In response to this I can only echo, "Are you for real??" Bruce in a clown suit! It breaks my brain with happiness that he is able to wear a clown suit, lol. And honk his nose at Clark!

"Here's your wonder" makes me purr quite a lot.

And I very much love the idea that this is the only party that wasn't assaulted that night, lol.

Oh man, only you could make Bruce in a clown suit sexy, oh, oh...*brain frizzles*


Re: Invitation for Disaster, PG (395 words) arch_schatten October 28 2007, 18:29:55 UTC
Why, yes, I am for real! :P Bruce's sense of irony gave him enough guts to dress as a clown here. After seeing him cheat at cards with Joker last night... I have little doubt that he would dress as a clown just for fun. He's wicked :)

Nose honking for charity! I don't know how they turned to be so sexy, but what do you know, it's impossible to make them unsexy, it seems :)

Gotham sense of irony is just as good as Bruce's. Of course no one hit that party, yet everyone was terrified about that crazy Wayne guy being dressed as a clown :)

I want to see them be sexy clowns together! More Harley Quinn than Joker, of course, as suits go. Rowr. The trenchcoats and combat boots really help, too! why can't I draaaaw??? my output of crack would double that way!


Re: Invitation for Disaster, PG (395 words) loqia October 28 2007, 11:45:52 UTC
Must. Not. Draw. Fanart. Too. Much. Crack. Breaking. Brain... argh! o_O


Re: Invitation for Disaster, PG (395 words) arch_schatten October 28 2007, 18:26:23 UTC
No such thing as too much crack here! lol, clown Bruce is oddly hot, and clown Clark would be.. ripped. Man. Give into the fanart urges! we must all scientifically test if they would be hot clowns or the hottest clowns :)

Sorry for the brain break! :P


Re: Invitation for Disaster, PG (395 words) yamheads October 28 2007, 12:13:14 UTC
Having trouble ... computing ... how sexy Bruce would be ... in a clown costume. *brain seizure*


cmer October 28 2007, 16:08:54 UTC
*also has brain seizure*

It's SO wrong... and yet... only Bruce can be sexy in a clown costume (written by Mina, of course!). *hugs both*


arch_schatten October 28 2007, 18:11:41 UTC
LOL, Bruce is sexy in almost anything, aside from the horrible DCAU brown suit. That one.. that one doesn't work. And c'mon! red combat boots and a red trench coat drives the level of sexiness of anyone to the roof! :) I'm glad you liked, Tina!


Re: Invitation for Disaster, PG (395 words) arch_schatten October 28 2007, 18:13:38 UTC
Bruce+clown costume+sexiness=brain break. Yet, it seemed natural while I wrote it :P But he would be very sexy! red combat boots, red trench coat, tight jumpsuit!! rawr! honky nose! tehee :) I bet Ragdoll would get angry at him. So much potential for disaster...

I'm glad you liked, Yaz! I still owe you the Clark/Clark/Clark, but if you feel like asking for something else, I'm on a roll this weekend :)


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Invitation for Disaster, PG (395 words) arch_schatten October 28 2007, 18:08:01 UTC
*bows* I love being the queen of crack. It gives me something to wake up every morning, asking myself 'What could I come up with today?'

Clark and Bruce are putting the fear of god in the heart of Gothamites. Obviously everyone expects to die by Joker once they arrive, but I think, to go with Gotham's irony, this was the only Halloween party that wasn't attacked. You know, Gotham likes to keep them on their toes.


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