*runs around*

Oct 24, 2007 08:17

It's so cold, I might as well be in NY.. which is what I was doing this week last year! and it was.. about this cold! I have no idea why it's so damn cold down here all of the sudden, but it's certainly not funny.

In any case, I'm just posting a quick update to let you know that I'm kind of swamped at school this week, so Star! I'll get you the fic ASAP! before the weekend is my personal deadline, honest. Sorry for taking so long :(

Kitten, I'll get to the magical h/c this weekend, too! ...I hope! I'm not stuck as much as I haven't had much time to fix anything :S Sooorrryyy!!

Rae, I miss youuu! I should write, but it keeps slipping my frozen mind ;( I hope you're okay, and I hope to see you this weekend, yes I do.

As for the BtAS watching team, we'll get together this Saturday, right? It hasn't changed? I am even more behind than usual on the list and my stalking journals :(

I miss NY. I need a new job. My back huuuurts... I hope next week will be better for fannish things *loves the flist* Take care, everyone! I will be back full time in 5 to 7 weeks, but in the meantime I'll keep popping in :)


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