(FIC) Somewhere to hang the secret identity, Day 5

Sep 30, 2007 19:58

I.. got a bit crazy with this one. Crazier. Ahem. Happy belated birthday, bradygirl_12! Not betaed, point, I correct (and give cookies, ask Jen!) :)

Fandom: DCU
Series: Somewhere to hang the secret identity
Pairing: Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Bruce and Clark start e-mailing, e-flirting, and eventually, e-dating. Too bad they can't seem to talk about it face to face...
Word count: 2700+

To: metro_blues@gmail.com
Subject: Re: You better be okay
Friday, September 28th 4:05am

Closing in on Zsasz. I have reason to believe he’s wounded. Probably got hurt while escaping A, it wouldn’t surprise me if it was one of the other rogues' parting gift. I’m home. Babs and I have cross refs to do, might have a location for Fries.

Will go to bed when we finish. Write to you later.


To: ckent@dailyplanet.com
Subject: Re: *You* started
Friday, September 28th 11:45am

Morning, blue eyes. Don’t worry so much about me. If something goes wrong, Babs will let you know. No news is good news.

>> I place responsibility on you!

Why doesn’t that surprise me?

>> If nothing else comes up, I’ll report with you later to check if I’m welcome in Gotham or not.

*sighs* It's not that you’re not welcome in Gotham… not exactly. I just have to make re-adjustments when you are, b/c you are a piece on the tactical board. Everyone is a piece on the tactical board. I don’t mind having you here; I mind not being prepared for you being here. I know I’m overly territorial… if something happened to you, or any of the others, in my city… No. Not here. Not because I messed up.

I can quit coffee any time I want. I might turn into a villainous psycho, but I can quit it. As long as I could still have tea. Look, Clark. Don’t bother Doctor Caffeine.

>> I will go visit you while you play recluse and bring you food so you don’t starve, while I poach Alfred’s cooking.

Does that mean I’m taking a holiday alone?

…I do want to play with the Fortress’ computer. To go or not to go. Life is full of tough choices.

Mind Control Thursday it shall be, then, if the circumstances allow it. Whichever precautions you’re taking in the experiment I’m sure they aren’t enough. If you go crazy on me while we’re there, there will be vengeance.

As for a restaurant, depends on a)If you want to be seen with me, and b)What you want to eat. Italian, Japanese, Turkish, what? …whatever you choose, there’s a great Turkish place I got to take you to sometime. I know you don’t do meat, but there’s brilliant patlican dolmasi for you. Best doner kebaps in Gotham, Clark. I swear.

I got baby pictures of you from Tim.

Your drunken story reeks of lies to me. I only ever drink in Gotham, why would Diana have to fly me home? It doesn’t make sense. …Clark. Clark, no. Tell me we didn’t fly to Warrior’s. Tell me it wasn’t Ted’s birthday. Ted always makes me do stuff I don’t want to do, damn him… Clark, I hate you! What the hell did I do and why didn’t you stop me??

Sdfksdlkfmlsdf. I think I remember now, I just don’t remember Hal at all. I suspect this is one of those things in life I was better off not remembering.

>> So you never took any meds?

I used to, back in the day, but they were fucking me up. Too tired, too… dull. No one dulled has even been driven, and I needed a clear head. Still do. I manage. You didn’t want to meet me when I was a teen, though. Am I ever glad to have grown up.

I have a fun meeting in a bit. Going to see the head of the Experimental Projects division at WT. If only I didn’t have to play stupid…



To: gotham_bcubed@gmail.com
Subject: We have a winner!
Friday, September 28th 1:03pm

The drunken story doesn’t reek of lies, because, as you can now remember, it was Ted Grant’s birthday. It started in Gotham, then we moved to Queens for a cap in Warrior’s. Ted got a hold of you and Dinah, and I think that’s were we lost you. I don’t know if you were playing cards and the loser had to drink or what, I think you were playing some game or another. I really wasn’t paying attention. Next thing I know its 3 a.m. and Diana says we have to get you home because you and Guy are reaching the I-love-you-man point. Well, you were, at least, I think Guy was faring better than you were, I didn’t really feel like staying to find out. So we took that as our cue to leave the party, and Ollie and Hal hitched a ride with us. Ollie fell asleep as soon as he sat down; we had to adjust his seatbelt. Sloshed, I’m telling you. Then you sat down with Hal, I don’t remember what you were talking about -you’re a chatty drunk, that much I remember- and he decided he wanted to pilot. I grant it to you, Bruce, you did think it was a bad idea, so you tried to stop him, and… the least graceful wrestling I’ve seen you do ensued, and Hal started to yell and thrash about. It was… very suggestive thrashing about. And I think that kind of wrestling is called ‘groping’. Diana had me stop you both, so I traded seats with you, and kept Hal under watch. He’s a horny drunk. I think you fell asleep for a while, but I really don’t know, I was kind of busy keeping Hal to himself.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. I can’t believe you don’t remember going for second base with Hal.

I really don’t like Zsasz. I’m glad to hear you’re closing in. Hopefully tomorrow you won’t have to worry about him anymore.

>> if something happened to you, or any of the others, in my city…

If you said things like that instead of ‘This is my City, grunt, Get Out, grunt, Testosterone Drive Tomorrow’, it would be a whole other story. I understand the sentiment, though. I’m starting to suspect you’re made of marshmallows and chocolate inside, and you just have a grouchy crunchy exterior.

>> Does that mean I’m taking a holiday alone?

Uhm… would you like to have me around?

I’m a bit confused about your ‘if you want to be seen with me’ question. I would be seen with you if we go eating anywhere, wouldn’t I? Besides, you’re the one who has to worry about paparazzi, not me. I admit I would like something quiet and that didn’t require a tie, so… off the radar would be nice. Oh, Bruce, by the way: I say I want to have dinner in Gotham because the bread is great, and you want to take me for Japanese? Japanese, Bruce? Bread? Are you listening to me? I would like to check out the Turkish place… Pitas=bread. You see? It’s not hard.

…do I even want to ask why Tim has baby pictures of me? Or why he gave them to you?

>> Am I ever glad to have grown up.

*laughs* Picturing you as a teenager is making my day. You strike me like the kind of person that showed up fully grown in the world, not lanky and awkward and with a cracking voice; you must have given Alfred hell.

I hope you had fun at the meeting, even if you had to play stupid. Sometimes it’s such a pain to pretend, isn’t it?

I’m off to lunch. Later,

PS: What did commas ever do to you?


To: ckent@dailyplanet.com
Subject: I blame you
Friday, September 28th 4:27 pm

I hate you. My heart, it is filled with hate. Nothing but hate, and it is all for you.

Maybe a bit for Hal. But mostly for you. Why didn’t you stop me from getting trashed? You get all worried about everything, but you won’t stop me from being drunk and in the hands of -according to your story- Ted, Gardner and Hal?

>> I don’t know if you were playing cards and the loser had to drink

Obviously we weren’t playing cards and losers drank up, or I WOULDN’T HAVE GOTTEN DRUNK.

>> I really wasn’t paying attention.

You. You failed me. Shame.

>> you and Guy are reaching the I-love-you-man point.

*groans, dies*

>> That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. I can’t believe you don’t remember going for second base with Hal.

I must thank Diana for forcing you to DO SOMETHING since you wouldn’t help me out of your own volition. What the hell were you doing? Checking out the show? …you were, weren’t you? Letting me handle Hal for your own amusement.

Also, I get the impression this ‘keeping Hal to himself’ means I wasn’t the only one who got some Drunk Green Lantern action that night. I’ll find out, Clark. Oh, believe me, I’ll find out.

There are no such things as Testosterone Drives in Gotham. So there.

>> I’m starting to suspect you’re made of marshmallows and chocolate inside, and you just have a grouchy crunchy exterior.

I am Delicious.

>> >> Does that mean I’m taking a holiday alone?

>> Uhm… would you like to have me around?

I don’t speak in code, Clark. You coming or what?

I don’t know what I meant about wanting to be seen with me. I mean, do you want to be subjected to the ‘Gotham’s Favorite Son Seen Having Romantic Dinner With Handsome Mysterious Stranger!’ treatment?

Turkish it is.

>>…do I even want to ask why Tim has baby pictures of me? Or why he gave them to you?

Kon gave them to him. I think it was a running gag of theirs, but Tim thought I would get a kick out of them. Which I did, you were adorable *grins* They look good in the archive. Thoroughness, Clark. Thoroughness.

…of course I didn’t spring fully grown into the world. I wasn’t too awkward. I mean, I was, but not horribly. The martial arts helped me keep some balance. Think Tim -not Richard, his balance growing up was ridiculously good- only taller… and with braids. In my defense, they seemed like a good idea at the time.

The meeting was fun. I have questions I need to channel through people that aren’t stupid like me, but fun nonetheless. Pretending to be the fop is half of the job, so I guess it’s no use complaining.

>> PD: What did commas ever do to you?


If you have a message service, add me already. This mail is nothing but a dragged on convo.



From: ckent@dailyplanet.com
To: gotham_bcubed@gmail.com
Subject: IMing
Friday, September 28th 4:52 pm

I’m about to get off work. I’ll add you at home :)

Talk to you soon,


::Conversation starting Friday, September 28th at 6:51pm::

Meatloaf in Metropolis - October says: Hey there
Go Knights! says: sup
Meatloaf in Metropolis - October says: prepping for tonight?
Go Knights! says: yeah. just got home?
Meatloaf in Metropolis - October says: Yep, I stopped for dinner on the way
Meatloaf in Metropolis - October says: how’s the hunt going?
Go Knights! says: I need to check some locations. Babs and I have pinpointed half a dozen places for Freeze, and I have a trail for Zsasz. Zsasz first, and if I’m still able, I’ll check the rest
Meatloaf in Metropolis - October says: Where’s Tim?
Go Knights! says: here
Meatloaf in Metropolis - October says: here, the cave, or here, home?
Go Knights! says: cave
Go Knights! says: he’s checking out other leads for Freeze and Two Face and doing regular patrol
Go Knights! says: and staying the hell away from Zsasz if I can help it
Meatloaf in Metropolis - October says: I’m glad
Meatloaf in Metropolis - October says: *pets* good B
Go Knights! says: …
Go Knights! says: …oooookay
::Go Knights! is now B^3::
Meatloaf in Metropolis - October says: so, do you still hate me?
B^3 says: for letting me get trashed in Ted’s party? always
Meatloaf in Metropolis - October says: I was doing something else! I can’t be your caretaker all the time
B^3 says: if not you, Clark, then who? who???
::Meatloaf in Metropolis - October laughs::
Meatloaf in Metropolis - October says: don’t complain later, then, when I worry about you
B^3 says: …there’s limits to everything, Clark
B^3 says: you do super-mother henning
Meatloaf in Metropolis - October says: I do everything super
B^3 says: I will have to put that to a test sometime
Meatloaf in Metropolis - October says: anytime
::B^3 leers::
Meatloaf in Metropolis - October says: …
Meatloaf in Metropolis - October says: you skeevy old man
B^3 says: old???
Meatloaf in Metropolis - October says: preying on the innocent and pure
B^3 says: innocent???
Meatloaf in Metropolis - October says: what? I am innocent and pure! Look at me shine, like an angel
:: B^3 gapes in disbelief::
B^3 says: like an angel, my ass
Meatloaf in Metropolis - October says: is it heavenly? *leers back*
:: B^3 laughs::
B^3 says: yes. yes it is.
::Meatloaf in Metropolis - October is now Angelic Bum::
B^3 says: that’s why Hal was reaching for it
Angelic Bum says: so you remember now?
B^3 says: no, no I don’t, but thank you for confirming that
B^3 says: how far did Hal get with you?
Angelic Bum says: he didn’t get anywhere
B^3 says: lies
Angelic Bum says: no, really
B^3 says: I’m not saying you were going along with it
B^3 says: I just want to know
B^3 says: call it scientific curiosity
Angelic Bum says: yeah, I would call it that, except that it isn’t
Angelic Bum says: you’re just trying to find a way to make this less embarrassing for you
B^3 says: …making out with Hal is not embarrassing
B^3 says: doing it so drunk, that’s what bothers me
Angelic Bum says: so you wouldn’t mind making out with Hal sober?
B^3 says: no, because it would mean I would do it in my right mind. considering I’m in my right mind and not… mind controlled or something. but in my right mind, I would have fair reasons to do so or I wouldn’t do it
Angelic Bum says: so… have you made out with Hal?
B^3 says: no
B^3 says: why would I have?
Angelic Bum says: I don’t know!
Angelic Bum says: you sound like you’re talking about a ‘hypothetical’ make out session
B^3 says: no, Clark
B^3 says: don’t you know Green Lanterns hate Bats?
Angelic Bum says: of course they don’t
B^3 says: Are you a Green Lantern or a Bat? no, you’re not. so you don’t know that
Angelic Bum says: you don’t hate the Lanterns! …do you?
B^3 says: maybe Guy a little
B^3 says: I find some annoying
B^3 says: does that count?
Angelic Bum says: no
Angelic Bum says: you find everyone annoying
B^3 says: true
Angelic Bum says: I see I’m a Mysterious Handsome Stranger
B^3 says: what?
Angelic Bum says: your tabloid made-up headline
Angelic Bum says: I’m a Mysterious Handsome Stranger having Romantic Dinner with Gotham’s Favorite Son
:: B^3 shrugs::
B^3 says: that’s what they sound like
Angelic Bum says: so we’re not having romantic dinner?
B^3 says: eh, we could. I guess.
::Angelic Bum laughs::
Angelic Bum says: Romantic dinner and a movie to end up watching the sunrise in the Arctic? Mr. Wayne, you’re a charmer
B^3 says: but of course
B^3 says: how come I’m doing all the charming?
B^3 says: I demand to be charmed.
Angelic Bum says: you owe me for MD, I must remind you, and for not owning the rights to the Superman logo
B^3 says: I have to call Alan
B^3 says: I keep forgetting
Angelic Bum says: that’s one GL you definitely don’t hate
B^3 says: there we go again
B^3 says: why, Clark, are you jealous? unsure of my undying love for you? aren’t the tokens of my dedication to you enough? what else do you want from me?
Angelic bum says: you don’t appreciate me enough!
Angelic bum says: you bring your true love to our dates!
B^3 says: shush, my darling. he never meant anything to me
Angelic bum says: so you say!
Angelic Bum says: I’m dumping you
Angelic Bum says: for being a two-timing bastard
B^3 says: true love, destroyed before it blooms
B^3 says: damn it
Angelic bum says: what?
B^3 says: I need to get going. Gotham calls.
Angelic Bum says: okay. Have a good hunt.
B^3 says: will do. good night.
Angelic bum says: see you tomorrow
:: B^3 has disconnected at 7:40 pm::

secret identity, fic, clark kent, bruce wayne, pre-slash

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