Failing at friending!

Sep 15, 2007 11:49

Helloooo *peeks* I am still alive!

I've been going through the motions of trying to catch up with the flist, giving up, lurking, giving up, trying to catch up... and so on, and utterly failing! I feel terrible for being so behind, but catching up is proving impossible! I am sorrrrryyyyy...

As for me, I'm being swept away by school/work/RL drama. Had a huge fight with D, in which he sucked muchly but we sort of settled things -I would have never advocated confrontation before, but man, am I sick of being a doormat-. Mostly I'm just tired of being angry and sad, so whatever! On the other hand, mother has gone crazy insane and is angry at me all the time.. which totally kills me, but... as I said, tired of being angry and sad, so I'm doing much better this week -mostly just ignoring both of them.

School is actually going pretty great! I'm so in love with Industrial Design! I've gotten addicted to a dozen design blogs from browsing around this week, each and every one of them brilliant. Man, I love it. I finished the cubic shelves for my office in Carpentry -they look great! everybody wanted them, so I'm rather proud of them :) specially since I screwed them up on several occasions- and I'm starting a screen to divide one of the rooms at the office. Oh, my crazy ideas. They are so fun, and so expensive :P I really, really love it all! I'm drooling at things like wall papers and cutlery and carpets. Oh, design world. You are so pretentious and pretty.

I'm also given in again on one of my first loves: reading science! I'm currently reading The Universe in a Nutshell and it makes me unbearably happy. Though, it accounts for me spending less time online too.. nggh, I want to have more free time!

Which would actually be possible if my job was over, but the perspective of not having a job is scary right now. I need money to finish furbishing my office! oh, pretty office. You shall be so pretty. Anyway, it seems like I'll have a job at the crappy urbanism office for another month, which is good, because it pays really well even if the work is eye-rolling. In the meantime, I'm working on my -still unfinished!- curriculum and portfolio, and presentation cards, and probably a website or something. Unknown! But I'm definitely enjoying it :) I want to build a design blog-spotter and a forum for school. I know I tend to have lots of grief with school, but I think it would be cool. So I'm enlisting the girls and some friends in Systems, see if we can put something together :)

Aaand that's pretty much it. I miss you all, I hope you can forgive my terrible-ness at friending atm! I will get to fb everything I can, but I am on lurker mode until things clear up a bit. *huuugs flist*


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