Oh, Wonderella!

Jun 23, 2007 18:05


Are you people reading Wonderella? I mean to say, of course, The Non Adventures of Wonderella.

In any case, it updates only Saturdayzzz, which is a damn shame because I LOVE IT BEYOND MORTAL LOVE.

Yes, yes. Stupidity and Political incorrectness and all. I dreamed I was Dana last night. I was a mix between Wonder Woman and Wonderella, and I fought a villainess that tried to inject me with Zombie Serum. Best. Dream. Ever.

Anyway! This Saturday is Wonderella update day, and I thought damo_in_japan might approve of the cameo of Galactus. 'Wonderella, settle our argument. Spirral says mind control is better than devouring. I OBVIOUSLY DISAGREE.'

In other good things that have muchly improved yesterday crabbiness, the second part of my birthday gift from my brother just arrived today :) It is, nothing more and nothing less than...

My Little Cthulhu!! Yay!! he comes with two little terrorized citizens! he got the red angry one for himself! Cthulhu now brings his adorable terror to my desk!! <3!!

I go back to writing magic bondage now. *pets Cthulhu*

flesh-life, the world is awesome

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