Writing, and looking for smut muses...

Jun 17, 2007 16:25

Hey flist!

I'm booored! I'm currently writing the first chapter of Fractures -a series that tells some of the happenings on Earth while Clark was gone in Fragments. I'm about four pages in, and mostly is Bruce saying 'Fuck you, Clark!!' and Lois being all 'What do you mean I'm pregnant???'. There's lots of anger and disappointment in this first chapter... which. Is fun, but I want to pet my Clark muse! So I thought I would write some smut on the side, yes?

Prompt me! Batfamily, Arrowfamily, Superfamily, BOP and JLA. I don't do Bruce/Robins or Clark/Robins, but other than that, fire away! Give me a pairing and a prompt, het or slash, and I'll see what I can do :)

smut-a-thon, plot bunny

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