(FIC) Madness: Ch. 1 - The City

Jun 03, 2007 16:10

Taking a breather from all the final's stress, I'm so behind the flist is not even funny! I miss you all! *wishes school would go away*

Haaaappy birthday, jen_in_japan! Dear, I hope you have an amazing day filled with fun and love, I hope we get the chance to celebrate many together :) Your existance makes fandom -nay, the world! a better place, a kinder ( Read more... )

superman, jason blood, death fic, fic, gift, batman, madness, pre-slash

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jij June 4 2007, 00:58:17 UTC
*sighs with happiness*

Oh, it's so wonderful to see this up and on the flist, it's so beautiful.

The image of all of Gotham kind of...wavering and distorting, like Bruce's anger is waves of heat, is so vivid. I love the silence of it all, it's like one of those moments from anime when everything should be chaotically noisy but is instead frozen and silent, because events now are too momentous to process.

Jason's helpless, awed POV works so well here. And I agree with Sasha that Tim breaking like that, unable to resist the temptation to ask Bruce for his own back, is a wonderful moment.

Batman stared down at his Robin and smiled.

This smile is probably the scariest thing about the story, and it's gorgeous.

All of the connections between Bruce and Gotham and magic fall into place so perfectly, layered with the irony Sasha mentioned, and the irony just makes it all work better somehow. The image of Batman transcendent with rage, bending the fabric of reality to his will...it's so awe-inspiring.

As are you! *hugs very tightly* Thanks for everything.


arch_schatten June 5 2007, 17:54:03 UTC
*grumbles* I was supposed to finish the second chapter of this as your borthday present yesterday, but Bruce was moping about losing touch with humanity in the other story and it got longer than expected.. but hopefully we can celebrate your borthday this week anyway! I have a superbunny in a cup that needs a home! *grins*

Anyway, thank you for encouraging me to post this! I suspect that without your support and the bunny farm we have I wouldn't post half of what I write, and I would't write half of what I do... *huuugs* you make fandom such an awesome place to be, I'm forever in your debt :)

Gotham submitting to Bruce's will makes me purr, probably because it's usually the other way around. The idea that Gotham is magical was eventually going to lead to me running around crazy with the idea, lol.

I like that 'that child' asking for Kon back (hehehe, silly Jason) is going to be siding with Bruce no matter what in this mess. Others might not be happy with his actions, but Tim knows just how far they would go for their loves ones.

Bruce's smile to him also makes me shiver! it's not quite sane, but not quite crazy. I'm glad it works for you too, I wasn't sure it would fit the scene!

*huuugs* post pictures of the Dan-presents! I command thee! :P


jij June 6 2007, 15:22:11 UTC
I was supposed to finish the second chapter of this as your borthday present yesterday, but Bruce was moping about losing touch with humanity in the other story and it got longer than expected.. but hopefully we can celebrate your borthday this week anyway! I have a superbunny in a cup that needs a home! *grins*

Second chapter? Eeee! *runs in small circles* And in case you hadn't moticed, I was so enthralled by "Free Fall" that I'm certainly not going to complain. :)

I think borthdays are really whenever you want them to be, anyway. Other than one's birthday, of course. Happy borthday again! :)

Bruce's smile to him also makes me shiver! it's not quite sane, but not quite crazy.

Oh, exactly! Yes! I think despite what Jason says Bruce is not exactly insane here. He's transcended sanity, yes, but he's not...not crazy. Just...so lucid that it seems insane. I don't know if that makes sense! I need to go to bed! Dan fell asleep at eight and is snoring so loudly I'm going to have to take refuge elsewhere...I think maybe he has mono? Or something? He's just not getting back to full health somehow...*frets*

*hugs Mina and wobbles to bed*


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