The World is Awesome

May 20, 2007 14:13

It truly, truly is. I don't care about minor setbacks of RL right now, internet life is being AWESOME.

First, thank you so much to everyone who wished me a good birthday! It was really good, I had lots of fun (despite my stomach hating me, I'm one blind rage attack away from an ulcer, I believe), and my RL haul included Bizarro World, which is great! so weird, but really cool. And a pirate bikini. Arrr!

But my LJ haul was so cool, I think it should be my birthday more often. Thank you so much, to all you wonderful artists and writers, you made my week so much better!! *huuuuuuugs* I must point you all to the wonderful things they created :)

jen_in_japan spoils me like nobody's business and wrote Scars, warm against his palm (Bruce/Harvey, PG-13). It made me cry! OYL Harvey breaks my heart. And then she went ahead and wrote me Acquainted with the night, (Jason Blood/Barbara Gordon, PG-13), which I can't stress enough just how AMAZING it is. Seriously, mission fic demonologist/librarian. Demon/Batgirl. I have no words.

damo_in_japan is amazing and made a fanvid of Batman and Jason Blood set to Maybe, this time of OK Go, and made awesome custom Lego minifigs of Jason Blood and Etrigan. Isn't Etrigan's grin the bestest??? *glomps*

yazzle rocks my world and made a Jason Blood&Etrigan greeting card (can you see a theme going on? Weee! my flist rocks!). Look at Jason's open shirt! daaaamn! And Etrigan's grin! the bestest!!

trascendenza wrote Cat and Mouse (S/B, R) a movieverse hot and sweeeeet drabble of the boys :D

merfilly went and claimed the Crack Crown with I hate magic (Bruce/Constantine/Jason Blood, R), with mpreg Constantine. Seriously. Awesome.

vespa331 uploaded a preview of her comic music mixes, and I have to say my life wasn't complete until I listened to The Ballad of Barry Allen. Its wonderful! Thaaanks!

starsandsea wrote Two Sides of a Coin (S/B, Harvey/Bruce, PG-13), which is a wonderful Two Face/Harvey character study that shifted my view on his psychosis. Harvey! yay!

vigilante_wake cracked me up with A Librarian's Worst Nightmare (Barbara Gordon, G), which is made of awesome. I have nightmares like that, only not about libraries! And Etrigan was gobbling down poetry books! X)

rai_daydreamer made a gorgeous Batman and Superman scene, with amazing Gothic ambiance and deliciously looking boots and capes. Mmm, capes.

sasha_anu conquered the frontier of crack and woobie again with Working the trade (Bruce/Clark, Pg-13) with Bruce's first trick with Clark. I love the Oreo 'Verse. J'onn is pimpilicious!

naughty__pixie sent me a batch of awesome Harvey and Jason+Etrigan icons that I don't know if she plans to post but that I surely will if she doesn't :) So.. I'll have to get back to you about those!

So... Babs, Harvey, Jason, Superman and Batman. That was my birthday! It was awesome! Thanks to everyone for their warm wishes and for taking the time to wish me well :) I'm a happy little ferret *grins*

So... have you seen the 'I believe in Harvey Dent' campaign? and the 'I believe in Harvey Dent too' one? weeee! Harvey looks FANTASTIC. I want to slash Harvey and Bruce forever and ever and ever!!! That's such a gorgeous Harv... and the Joker (what little I can see with all those damn pixels in the way! go and leave your email so I can see the whole pic now!) ...ahh! the pic is almost done now! eeep! Joker!

Anyway. In case you haven't seen them.


Also, I created an RP journal to play at the dca_rp for the DC Appreciation Week, and I'm having so much fun with it that it should not be legal! seriously! Who would have though roleplaying the UltraHumanite would be so cool? So, so cool. He's at il_re_bianco, because Floquet De Neu was perhaps too cute for him. Join the RPG madness! there's Gorillas! Mallah (m_mallah) and Brain (cere_brum) are part of the Gorilla Squad! Now, if we can make Grodd make an appearance...

Finally, Starcraft 2.

That alone would have made my day any day of the year. It looks amazing. The new Proto units are beautiful and kick-ass and just.. just.. my brothers and I are installing Starcraft:Broodwars in all the computers at home again, because we love it too much. I'm afraid that I'll be lost in the throes of Zeratul-impersonating for a while this summer break. My oldest brother is a Terran (bah! puny terrans!) and the other one is a Zerg (bah! disgusting insect-fish things!) and I'm a Proto at heart.

My life for Aiur!

That is all <3

the world is awesome, recs

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