(FIC) Circuit City

Apr 21, 2007 16:24

I'm still behind on answering to comments, but hopefully I'll get to that tonight! *hugs flist* I hope everyone's doing okay. Goddamn school, though, it smothers me with miserability. Hence, quick-fic!

Fandom: DCAU
Characters: Superman, Batman, Steel, Mr. Terrific
Rating: G
Word count: 848
Summary: Silly fic. Three techs walk into a Watchtower…
AN: For bradygirl-12 fic prompts. I saw this one and the image of Bruce, Michael and John looking sheepish just wouldn’t let me go back to homework. Not betaed, so point and I shall correct.

Circuit City

“This is the Justice League of America…not a…a…” Superman looked around the mess of hardware, tools and blinking lights that the monitor room had turned into, and struggled for a word that defined the carnage of dissected machines around him, “…playground! The Monitors aren’t even on!” He turned towards Batman, who was self-consciously brushing copper shavings from his costume.

“They’re on; we’re just channeling them to the new optic receptors…” Batman said defensively, his eyes never meeting Superman’s.

“How can you think we would neglect our duty? We’re not rookies, Superman,” Terrific added sullenly.

Clark raised an eyebrow, looking around the exposed cables of the consoles and the torn apart control panels. “No, not rookies. Just insane. Where are these new optic receptors, anyway?”

The three offended superheroes turned to look at each other, waiting for one of the others to answer, looking more confused when no one was forthcoming. Superman crossed his arms, his lips a thin line. “Well?”

“Don’t look at me, I was putting together the wireless signaler-“ Batman started.

“No, no, I was putting together the wireless signaler, you were welding the optic receptors to the new mikes-“ Mr. Terrific interrupted him, looking chagrined.

“That was before Steel decided we should integrate the mikes to new headsets. You were working on the optic receptors and I had the signaler-“

“Yeah, T, I thought you had the receptors, didn’t you cut the monitor’s feed to re-rout it?”

Mr. Terrific huffed. “Yeah, sure, how was I going to re-rout it without a modem? I had the signaler and B had the receptors and you were working on the headsets, Steel.”

Steel shook his head. “No, I was putting together the console we took apart earlier because I needed to set new audio frequencies.”

Superman sighed. “Okay, people. No one was monitoring and the Watchtower has no functioning controls?”

Batman glared at him. “Of course we have functioning controls. T’s spheres are serving as back up and I’m keeping an ear on the feeds.” His voice turned cold and matter-of-fact. “We have everything under control.”

Superman held his stare for a long silent minute, finally shaking his head. “This place is a mess,” he declared.

Steel shrugged. “We’ll put it together before our shift is over, all clean and ready for whoever has the next shift.”

Superman threw his hands up in the air. “I am already here! I’m the next shift!”

Terrific turned to look at Batman, then at Steel, and the three of them shifted guiltily. “Oh.”

Steel turned a hand-welder in his hands. “We lost track of time.”

“Actually, we lost the universal clock when we were adding the new components...” Batman trailed off as he stared into what Superman now recognized as the former universal clock, which had been eviscerated by the three techs.

Superman rubbed his forehead, gathering his patience. “You three are like kids in a candy store. I expected you to have more self-control,” he said, ignoring the sullen glare Batman was giving him. “That’s it. You’re forbidden to have overlapping shifts.”

“You’re overreacting, Superman, we’ll just take over your shift and put it back together,” Terrific offered.

“Of course you will.” The Man of Steel turned around and stalked towards the teleporting bay -which was still untouched- and yelled to the figures behind him. “Don’t think I won’t tell J’onn!”

The buzz of the teleporting device died down, leaving Steel, Mr. Terrific and Batman looking at the torn apart Monitor Room. “He needs to switch to decaf,” Terrific murmured.

“Yeah,” Steel agreed and Batman nodded. “We have six hours to get this back in shape.”

“Six hours is a lot of time,” Batman added.

“The teleport bay could use an upgrade,” Terrific said tentatively.

“Well, all we have to do is be done by the next shift,” Steel said, picking up three parts of an unassembled control panel. “I’ll get to the optic receivers.”

“T and I will get to the teleporters and we’ll go back to the other stuff in a bit.”

“Sure, just a quick assessment of the bay and we’ll leave it for next time,” Terrific said, nodding, walking with Batman to the other end of the room.

Steel chuckled. “If there’s a next time.”

“Like we couldn’t fix the shifts. I want to see Superman try to stop us.”

“You have the Kryptonite ring, after all.”

“Don’t start, Michael.”

“Oh, c’mon! Steel, tell him that when a man gives you a ring that could destroy him, it’s a sign of true love.”

“It is, Bruce. You just have to accept it. We’ve gone over this already, man.”

Batman growled. “Holt, Irons, let it be understood that you two are going down.”

Mr. Terrific laughed, putting an arm around Batman shoulders. “Truce, my friend. Let’s tear apart some expensive machinery. This one’s on me.”

Batman smiled, turning back to call for Steel. “Hurry up, John. Those teleporters won’t get upgraded by themselves.”

Steel looked after them, and after a second of thought he put the hardware down and hurried after them into the teleport bay.

steel, superman, fic, mr. terrific, gen, batman

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