...I lost the rules of the interview meme. But rest assured, they were something like 'leave a comment and I'll device 5 random Machiavellian questions for you!'. So.. leave a comment and I'll think of something to ask you!
taro_twist asked me...
[Notices she lost the file where she had the questions answered. Well done, Mina. Very well done.]
1) What's your favorite food?
Hrm.. well, that depends. I get crazy about some things and I crave them every day for weeks, and then I get sick of them for stuffing myself with them everyday. I'm in the 'sick of it' stage right now with sushi, though I love it. It doesn't count as food, but I'm a coffee lover, and a black tea acolyte. Mmm, tea. Also, Mexican food from my area -very different from Mexican food from the south or that thing they eat in the US, lol. Carne asada (sort of grilled meat... erm.. DaMo? Jen? is that grilled meat?), chilaquiles, tacos. Mmm, tacos. Tamales! I'm sorry, I don't know if those things have translation... :(
2) If you could design any building, construction ... err, just anything architecturally designable, lol ... what would it be, and why?
A museum, probably. Something big and with very specific use, as I'm very pragmatic when I design. I'm terrible with houses, though they are a lot of fun, they are just so damn hard! You have every activity ever in one single environment, is real hard to successfully design a good house. Though, on a second thought, my ideal project would be refurbishing an old factory and turn it into housing and commerce. Oh dear, I think I would die. *drools at the idea*
3) What's the most illogical thing you believe in? (Well, I guess it wouldn't be illogical to you ... what I mean is, is there anything you believe in that might not make sense to most other people? If you're confused, I can give examples.)
Oh, I believe a number of very illogical things, and they don't make sense to me either, but I just.. go with the flow, lol. Can't argue with your own brain! I don't know what's more illogical, that I fear swimming alone in pools like you have *no* idea because I'm sure a shark or giant squid or... or something is going to attack me, or that I tell myself that all meat comes from the Meat Tree. I cannot bare the thought of eating animals, yet I do like meat, therefore it must come from a Tree. Of Meat. I live in a continuously deluded state, you realize.
4) Have you ever been in love?
At this point, I don't think I have. I used to think it was love, but in perspective I don't think it was. Does it make sense? I tend to rationalize the past a lot, put it in neat little places where I can see what went wrong and where, and in perspective.. I don't think it was love. But it hurt like it, back then. I don't quite get the 'You never forget your first love' thing, so maybe I haven't... I haven't forget them, but it's... well, it's not That Important, you know?
5) What's your favorite architectural style? Gothic, classical, modern ... (I know there're lots of others, but I don't know what they aaaarrreee ....)?
LOL, you're enabling the architecture geek in me here, that's never good! Well, I like all styles, in the sense that a good project will elicit strong responses from me no matter what style it is, because that's what good architecture does to people. But I'm very fond of renascence architecture, from the more historical styles. I'm also a big fan of the vernacular, you know, the way people build instinctively, and Earth architecture -adobe, rammed earth-. As for a more 'contemporary' style, well, I really like contemporary Mexican architecture, which has a touch of minimalism mixed with our Spain-Turkey roots, a reinterpretation of the colonial. Also contemporary Brazilian brutalism. Brutalism branched from the modernist movement back in the middle of the XX century, and is very monumental, blocky, intimidating. The European branch of brutalism is a bit too brutal for me, lol, but the south American branch has softened a bit, and is much brighter and.. well, it has a warmer feel to it, for me. In a way, contemporary Mexican architecture is kind of our brutalism version, though it has different roots and school of thinking, but the formal aspects are similar in that both are very geometrical, clean and monumental. Open spaces, big blocky buildings that sing a humming song. Pretty :) And, eh, well, I adore factories, so high-tech and low-tech always catch my attention. I'm pretty much all over the place, lol. Whew! I got long-winded there...
jen_in_japan asked me...
1. What's the basic plot in any one story sitting in your No-Go folder at the moment?
Ah, well, that would assume that those stories have plot.. LOL. There's about 7 files sitting there, and I think only one is a full story, though I do intend to go back to it and fix it. It's the next part of Of Things Left Unsaid, which I wrote before Sasha finished betaing Breakable forever ago, and thus I don't quite like anymore. It had Clark having a fit over Wally and Bruce going on a mission too soon after Breakable, Bruce having a fit over being told what to do, and Wally being bored and eventually telling Clark to get a clue and work whatever is going on between the two of them, because they are driving him crazy. It's a very short piece, though. The others are scenes that never panned, like a Poker night in the Tim/Arthur-verse, Bruce and Terrific during Halloween, Bruce and Clark playing detective and reported in the Watchtower.. and a sappy, embarrassing Jason/Bruce scene. God, that one is so embarrassing. Anyway, none of them are finished or anything of the like, and are.. meh. No Go.
2. If you were stranded on a desert island and could have only one CD, which would it be?
Probably The Wall by Pink Floyd, though that's a double CD.. so. Hrm.. FuturePerfect by VNV Nation, probably. It's one of my favorite CDs ever.
3. You used to write DBZ fic--how did you get involved in watching and writing DBZ?
*fidgets* Well, Dragon Ball started showing in Mexico waaaay before it started showing in the US. So I was.. 7? when I started watching it, and as I turned a teen, DBZ started to show. DBGT started when I was about 15 or 16, though I didn't follow it as I followed the previous series as I had latched into other fandoms and I liked the 'older' feel of DBZ. Yeah, I know, mature is not a word that comes to mind with DBZ. But I started writing when I was about.. 13, I think (annoying teenage fangirl *shakes head in shame*). So, I really grew up with Goku and company -truly grew up as they did- and it was something I shared with my cousins and brothers and every kid in school -except for the girls, who either didn't watch anime or watched girlier series. Being part of that fandom is part of pretty much all 28 to 16 year old boys here, and more than a couple of girls.
4. How did you choose architecture as a field of study?
Heh. Out of laziness, you might say. I was aiming for Mechanical or Electronic Engineering, but I burned out the last year of high school, as I took all the math specifics and I couldn't keep it together without bouts of depression and stress breakdowns. I was also taking the Tech Drawing workshop, and I really liked the laid back feeling of it, working with your hands and letting your mind wonder while you drew. Not that Tech Drawing is anything like architecture, but at the time I thought I could just draw plans for the rest of my life just fine. D was already in architecture -I am ashamed to admit that him being there was a bit part of why I chose it, knowing that someone would keep me from utterly failing at life, and holding on to him in the obsessive way I hold on to him sometimes- and I liked what I saw he did. I was through a bad moment when the applications to Universities started, and I didn't apply anywhere -most of my friends from high school are engineering students. I just couldn't force myself to study for the entrance exam, it was all quite dreadful. Architecture had, conveniently, no entrance exam, just a two week prep course that was Hell on Earth (about 14 hours in school plus homework), and I chose the prep course. So I ended up in Architecture because it didn't have an admittance exam, lol. Yeah, go me. Though, if my previous geek rant about it is any indication, I think it wasn't a bad choice :) Mom laughs at me, because she chose Law School so she wouldn't be at the shadow of her friends anymore, as much as she loved them. She just wanted to be on her own, and the rest of them were going for Accounting. So maybe crazy decision making runs in the family...?
5. I think we know your favorite Bat rogue (Harv! Harv!)...who's your least favorite rogue and why?
Talia. By far. I despise her with all my cat-loving heart. No, scratch that (hah!), with all my Bruce-loving heart. Because, seriously, to imply that he was involved with that spineless, token ninja good for nothing *mumble mumble*... what is Bruce, blind stupid? I mean, okay, his track record is kind of meh in the relationship department for me (I have yet to care for any of his relationships other than Selina, and that's because Selina rocks on her own, the Bat be damned), but Talia? Seriously, Talia? Her character concept is female fatale, ninja bad girl, sultry sexy.. and then Daddy says, 'Daughter, capture the Detective' and she's all 'Yes, Father', and then Bruce is all 'Talia, free me' and she's all 'Yes, Beloved' and then her sister is all 'I'm gonna take over Daddy's empire, Sister, go bring me a sandwich' and she's all 'Yes, Sister'. Bah. If there are cool moments of canon for Talia out there, I haven't seen them -not that I know canon very well, of course. But she pisses me off, she's the tamed female fatale. She might as well have a notebook filled with 'Talia Batman... Ms. Talia Batman. Ms. Talia Al-Ghul-Batman. Talia Wayne. Talia Wayne-Beloved' pfeh. *smolders with generic rage* And why is it that everyone is so interested in the goddamn dynastic babies?? *mumble mumble Talia mumble*
Well. That's that! If you want to ask anything, I'm an open book, and if you want me to ask you something, I am also made of crack :)
In school news, school hates me. It's been terribly cramped with work all week long, I am *still* sick with that weird fever thing I got last weekend, and I'm so behind the flist that it's not even funny anymore. My bosses return from Las Vegas on Monday and expect me to be done with the housing project I was supposed to be working on while they left, except they didn't leave me the specifics, so I kind of can't really do anything without them, so I'm in for a world of 'WHAT?' on Monday.
My hours at school are awfully tiring. I owe everyone mail, but to those that knew, the apartment thing fell flat due to budget problems, so we had to give it up, which is kind of a bummer. We're still looking for somewhere close the school to set our office and where the boys can live. The boys are still awesome :) Ehh... I think that's all the news I have. Ah, no, Rodrigo, my usually-high teacher is being very stubborn about my team going to the towns we're designing the shelters for the design workshop, only each town is 6 and 8 hours apart from my city, all through dirt roads and I AM A CITY GIRL, dammit. I know it is important that we go, but in all honesty, the chances of us getting lost in the middle of nowhere are pretty high, and it would take a weekend of travelling that I seriously don't have. Especially since teachers are intent on having classes they miss on Saturdays, their class-missing hearts be damned. So now I'm having classes on Saturdays whenever they feel like, my Steel Calculus class was moved half an hour later leaving me with a half hour break through 12 to 5 on Fridays, during which I'm supposed to have lunch or something.
School, how I hate you. I have 15 assigments due for next week. I only take 7 classes. They go crazy with homework, those bastards.
Carpentry rocks, though. I have the design for my work unit worked out, now I just have to go buy more wood to make it. Mmm. Carpentry.
Ehh.. got comics, haven't read them. Emperor Joker, which seems to be missing bits and doesn't make that much sense from what I've seen (not enough Batman woobie! where's my extra helping of woobie??), Birthright (Waid, you gotta call Jen, she's responsible for this) and Cataclysm. Cataclysm looks kind of 'meh', except that I love the beginning, with all the reactions to losing Gotham. My city fetish is well fed by it, therefore, love. Also, Sebastian O, by Grant Morrison, because in Grant I Trust. The story itself is kind of rushed and.. eh, but I really liked the setting and the end. But it has a ninja dandy and steam punk! You can't go wrong with that.
Off to bed, I will catch up with the flist, I swear! I'll get you Hey Steve, if it's the last thing I ever doooooo!