Jason was the first of the gang to die...

Dec 01, 2006 01:42

Well, this week's score is 4 deadlines done, one to go. The one left if the WFA, which, bwahahaha, I expect to finish tonight/tomorrow.

I had an unexpected work deadline moved from tomorrow to today, so I just finished that. I didn't finish even half of what they asked me to do, but that's what you get when you give me a one-day notice to finish something. Though I don't think it's such a big deal, the initial request was absurd -6 architectural sections of a 300 square meters house is way too much, the house isn't that big or complicated... so I finished 2 sections for each of the two houses, and that's that.

Anyway, the monday project was finished to my satisfaction. The tuesday project and final was... erm, okay. Yesterday's was exhausting, but we finished 20 minutes before class started. Since we didn't sleep, I spent all of yesterday sleeping, then did some homework and went to my night class. I got my paper theme accepted! A study of the design subculture shall be my final paper on that, and I've already started. I will probably have a lot of fun :) And after that paper, 3 more finals to go. But I have a whole week before the next one, so... color me a relaxed :)

The muses need outlets. Jason Todd has been bugging me. ilyena_sylph fic featuring Jason Blood gave me a terrible Jason itch to scratch, but I need to finish reading The Demon run before I start with that... Fragments ch. 3 is halfway done, and I have an Arthur bunny. There shall be belated birthday presents soon! I have comics to read, big brother got the 4th vol. of Swamp Thing! yay! Etrigan, Phantom Stranger, Constantine and Batman guest appear! weee!

So, I took the test, and the first time this came as the result...

I love puppies!

...but then, it didn't give me the html code for it, so I had to take it again, and I answered one question different because I realized too late that I do mind lies...


So all that separates me from Evil is lies, it seems. I'm going to guess I'm somewhere in the middle of both.. since I am quite evil. Mwahaha! Also, escape artists are really hot. Mmm, Bruce and Scott.. *scurries off to re-read A Lifting Fog*

meme, flesh-life, plot bunny

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