So... help!

Sep 10, 2006 17:08

I managed to confuse myself with the time line of the story. You kind canon knowers, help me out a bit?

So. I'm old fashioned but not so old fashioned, call me silver fashioned, and my first JLA roster is the Year One one, without Diana and Clark and Bruce, because.. well, because Year One is twenty kinds of awesome. Besides, Clark wasn't a part of International either, and you know I love JLI.

And after JLI starts Waid's JLA, which I love with infinite love, but. Erm. Well, if you take the first JLA to be JL Year One, in which neither Diana, Clark or Bruce were part of the book... which Justice League is Clark's first? He wasn't in Justice League Detroit, and neither was Diana.. and they were there in the Satellite era, but it seems like the Satellite is the continuation of the earliest JL in which Clark, Diana and Bruce were founders. So. I don't know what's going on.

Was Waid's JLA Clark's first JL? (what a weird sentence)... I'm ignoring Meltzer's new retcon of Clark, Diana and Bruce being founders because it ruins my JL Year One, so I just have no idea of which JL had Clark.

Also, Jason Todd died in our 1988. JLI started in 1987, so that would mean Batman was with the JLI when it happened. And within my continuity, that's the last Justice League Clark knew... one he never joined, maybe? That totally rains in my parade. In any case, did Diana and Clark have much interaction when neither of them were in the Justice League? Actually, if Diana wasn't a founding member of the JL, when did the arrived to Men's World?

...okay, so reading Wikipedia's entry for Wonder Woman is just filling my head with crack. Poor Diana. She's rating right there with Hawkman in the 'confusing' department.

I am going to stop thinking now. I should be writing essays anyway...

plot bunny

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