To do list

Aug 09, 2006 18:58

Since the last time I did this, some stories have been dropped, some have been written, some bunnies have gone to sleep, and there's a couple of new ones. I'm trying to cut back on the crazyness too, see if I can get *something* done instead of being all over the place.

1) Finish writing the JLVS episode
2) Write the second part of the Superman Returns Challenge Redux
3) Write Barda/Wonder Woman (blame victoria_wayne, I can't stop thinking about Barda today)
4) Write the psych_30 entries for Joker, Harley and Harvey that I have 'plotted' out
5) Crime Syndicate
6) Pirates
7) Assorted bunnies (including the one about gorillas, and the massage one, and a Kyle fic I'm planning for T)
ETA: 8) Simple Life

I'm going to try to stick to this. In this order... I hope. But the pirates are just one big magnet. Captain Blackwing and Officer Kent are having adventures at sea and I'm just looking at them being adorable. First Mate O'Brien is hilarious and the port of Themiscyra only receives goods provided by ships with Royal decrees of commerce. Officer Kent is not happy about his tenure with the pirates, but if it hadn't been for the crew of the Scarlet, he would have drowned in the sea.

I was reading my pirate book today, and pretty much the first page after the introduction went on and on about how pirates didn't have use for women on their ships, and how after months of being in the sea they would turn to each other for company. And then it kept going about it. And then some more. It was like a chant 'slash the pirates... slash them...'

Also, victoria_wayne is killing me with the Barda love. Now I want a Captain Barda and a ship crewed with girls. She would make a great captain... Captain Barda of the Queen Hellion, crewed by "the furies", nasty harsh girl pirates. Senior Officers Black Canary and Barbara the Red, ship surgeon Santa Helena.

I'm going to stop now before my fannish brain explodes.

plot bunny

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